Janet L. Gooch, Ph.D.
Publish Date


Happy spring break week!

Thank you to everyone who attended the Employee Information Session on March 4. We had an outstanding turnout. If you were unable to attend, a recording of the session is available on the RISE page.

New Information

Research Accolades 

UIS was named to the newly established Research Colleges and Universities (RCU) category by the American Council on Education (ACE) and the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching. The new classification highlights the university’s expanding research capabilities and acknowledges our annual research expenditures of more than $2.5 million.  

NTT Union Contract Negotiations

On Feb. 27, the University learned that the UPI Local 4100 Non-Tenure Track Faculty Union, which represents 43 members, voted to authorize a strike. On March 7, we learned the union has filed an intent-to-strike notice. While this action means that the union can opt to strike any time after a 10-day waiting period, no sooner than March 17, it does not mean that a strike will occur. We will continue to negotiate in good faith and know that our students, faculty and staff are counting on us to work tirelessly to bring this to a successful conclusion as soon as possible. Our next scheduled bargaining sessions are March 14 and 18. For up-to-date information, visit the Bargaining website

Visionary Giving Circle Awards

The UIS Visionary Giving Circle is accepting applications for one-time gift funds to support faculty, staff and student projects that will have a broad impact on the university. Applications are due March 21.

Healing through Contemporary Art

The UIS Visual Arts Gallery is partnering with the Kidzeum of Health and Science to present, “Bit by Bit,” an exhibition exploring the concept of healing through contemporary art. The exhibition will run March 28 to May 11 with a free, public opening reception from 5:30 to 8 p.m. March 28. Admission to the exhibition is included with Kidzeum entry. Learn more on the UIS Newsroom.

Commencement Update

Students may apply through March 21 for student speaker auditions, and the Intent to Participate form—which must be completed by all students who intend to walk the stage at Commencement—went live today. All Commencement messages continue to be communicated to students via their UIS email, and the UIS Commencement page is updated frequently. Employees may also sign up through April 11 to volunteer at the ceremonies, which is a great way to see our mission in action. 

New Policy for Review

The Use of Electronic Equipment In Public Areas for Safety and Security Purposes Policy has been updated on the UIS Policies page to reflect the use of new technologies. The policy is available for a two-week comment period, ending on March 21.  

Department Newsletters

Topics in the Academic Affairs March newsletter include the academic portfolio review, HLC quality initiative update and Assurance of Student Learning Day.  

The most recent Office of Research & Sponsored Programs newsletter includes information on the 2025 STARS Symposium and upcoming faculty presentations. You can read more on the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs’ Resource & Training page

Read the Human Resources March Newsletter to learn about upcoming employee events: CAPE/CARE Awards Ceremony, Employee Development Series: Annual Evaluations, Retirement & Recognition Ceremony and Take Your Child to Work Day.

Upcoming Events

  • Thrive Solo: This free workshop is for solo entrepreneurs, freelancers and business operators, from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. March 18 at Innovate Springfield.
  • Chancellor’s Thinker Series: “A Call to Think: On Common Ground,” will be held from 5 to 7:15 p.m. March 27 at the Student Union. 
  • Star Parties: The next Star Party is 8-10 p.m. April 4, weather permitting, at the UIS Campus Observatory on the roof of Brookens Library. 
  • Sound Foundations: An Introduction to Speech-Language Pathology: Join me for an Alumni SAGE Society Lunch & Learn from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. April 9 at Illini Country Club.

Information that Bears Repeating

Brand Survey

Our marketing team is conducting a survey to gather feedback about the UIS brand. Please share your thoughts before the survey closes March 12. 

Voluntary Separation Plan

Applicants for the Voluntary Separation Plan will be notified of the university’s decision March 14. 

Sexual Misconduct Campus Climate Survey

An email was sent to students Feb. 26 asking them to complete the Sexual Misconduct Campus Climate Survey. More details are available on Orbit

UIS Bookstore has Moved

As part of the PAC plumbing infrastructure project, the UIS Bookstore has temporarily moved to FRH 153 and 154. For more details on this transition, visit Orbit.

Kaplan Access

UIS students now have free access to Kaplan’s industry-leading test prep resources for graduate admissions, licensure and credentialing exams and skills development courses. More information is available on Orbit.

Spring Accelerated Courses

Please encourage students who would benefit to sign up for spring accelerated classes, which run March 17 to May 3.  

Celebrating Our Star Power

UIS students won awards and were elected to offices at the Model Illinois Government simulation Feb. 28 through March 2 at the Illinois State Capitol. Faculty advisor Ken Owens praised their achievements, saying they gained experience in government, preparation, public speaking, leadership and teamwork. Read more about their success on the UIS Newsroom

Professor Beverly Bunch analyzed proposed reforms to Illinois’ Tier 2 public pension system, focusing on financial and workforce impacts. The report highlights trade-offs and the balance between fiscal sustainability and workforce competitiveness. Read more on the UIS Newsroom.

A Cook County judge vacated the wrongful murder conviction of Illinois Innocence Project client Jerry Herrington, dismissing all charges and fully exonerating him. At just 16, Herrington was convicted of a murder he did not commit. He spent 29 years wrongfully imprisoned before he was released in 2020, at 45, after serving his full sentence.

Getting to Know You

Headshot of Missy Thibodeaux-Thompson.

Missy Thibodeaux-Thompson is a professor of theatre in the Department of Art, Music and Theatre. She has acted in New York City and taught at Cornell and UNC Charlotte. An avid traveler, she studied theatre in Prague, performed internationally and explored Europe. As a proud Louisiana native, she enjoys cooking Cajun food—especially gumbo—and sharing meals with others. Read more about Missy on Orbit.

Have a great week,


Janet L. Gooch, Ph.D.


University of Illinois Springfiel

P.S. If you have a topic you’d like me to consider for my newsletter, submit your idea here. I love to highlight your news, events and accolades.

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