front-line behavior, social welfare policy, behavioral science (psychology of human decision-making and employee motivation and performance), behavioral ethics
Travis Bland is the Interim Dean of the College of Health, Science, and Technology. Dr. Bland received his Ph.D. from the Center for Public Administration and Policy at Virginia Tech. Professor Bland specializes in evaluating public programs and is a strategic planning and organizational health and design consultant. His research interests include front-line behavior, social welfare policy, and behavioral science (psychology of human decision-making and employee motivation and performance). Dr. Bland is a contributing author to Community Action Leaders: Rooting out Poverty at the Local Level (New York: Routledge). His research has been published in Public Management Review, Review of Public Personnel Administration, Public Integrity, Public Organization Review, the Journal of Public and Nonprofit Affairs, Public Administration Quarterly, The Innovation Journal, and the Global Encyclopedia of Public Administration, Public Policy, and Governance.
- Funderburg, R., Dooley, T., Bland, J. T., Dooley, T. (2024). Community affluence as a barrier to housing affordability: the siting of low-income housing tax credit projects in Illinois' capital region. In Kraeger et al.'s Social (In)Equality, Community Well-being and Quality of Life. United Kingdom: Edward Elgar Publishing.
- Bland, J. T., Williams, A. M., Albertson, N. (2023) Empowerment and discretionary HR practices: Moderators of the PSM-organizational commitment relationship. Public Management Review, 25(3), 575-600. DOI: 10.1080/14719037.2021.1985317
- Manuel Roman-Basora & Bland, J.T. (2021) Separate and unequal: A sample of disparities in five American unincorporated territories, Public Integrity, DOI: 10.1080/10999922.2020.1859241
- Williams, A. M. & Bland, J.T. (2020). Drivers of social engagement: Investigating the employee voice-advice sharing relationship. Review of Public Personnel Administration, 40(4). 669-690. Available here.
- Bland, J. Travis and Williams, A. M. (2018). Collaborative ties within: Public organizations and the latent capacity for advice network formation. Public Organization Review. Available here.
- Bland, J. T. (2018). Authentic participatory engagement: Community Action and the foundational principle of maximum feasible participation. Public Administration Quarterly, 42(2). Available here.
- Faculty Advisor, Christian Student Fellowship
- Jobs for Life Instructor
- Volunteers at West Side Christian Church.
PAD 657. Advanced Public Management Seminar, PAD 652. Public Management Seminar, PAD 502. Organizational Dynamics, PAD 505. Public Sector Human Resource Management, PAD 538. Public Service Ethics and Leadership, PAD 552. Strategic Planning and Management, PAD 541. Nonprofit Sector Human Resource Management