Organic Chemistry
B.S. Chemistry: Minnesota State University Mankato (1991)
Ph.D. Organic Chemistry: The University of Illinois – Chicago (2001)
Awards and Honors
2024-25 University of Illinois President's Executive Leadership Program
2023-24 Illinois Academy for Leadership and Development
2020-2023 Center for Faculty Excellence Faculty Associate
2019 UIS Pearson Faculty Award for Outstanding Teaching
2018 UIS Burks Oakley II Distinguished Online Teaching Award
2017 College of Liberal Arts and Science Excellence in Teaching Award
Apple Distinguished Educator – Class of 2015 – read the Press Release
Follow me on Twitter, LinkedIn, ResearchGate
- Center for Faculty Excellence Faculty Associate (2020-)
- Academic Technology Committee (2018-2021)
- Faculty Development Advisory Board (2015-2020)
- Chair, Department of Chemistry (2016-2019)
- Facilitator for Excellence in Teaching and Learning Fellows (2017-2020)
- 2017-19 COLRS Senior Faculty Fellow
- University Tenure Review Committee (2015-2018)
- 2014-15 Center for Online Learning, Research and Service (COLRS) Faculty Fellow
- Co-chair UIS StARS (Student Arts & Research Symposium) (2012-2016)
- Intercollegiate Athletics Committee (2010-2016)
- Faculty mentor for UIS Chemistry Club (2008-2016)
My research focuses on how to improve student engagement and learning in organic chemistry. Recent examples include:
- inter-institutional collaborative assignments for organic chemistry (A story on our international partnership)
- collaborative learning in sciences
- flipped learning/active learning
- student authored videos to explain chemistry topics
- replacing traditional textbooks with the Chemistry LibreTexts (Open Educational Resources)
- Video Vignettes - My students create video vignettes to explain topics in organic chemistry. They can be found on YouTube
- Harnessing AI Tools to Improve Academic Integrity, L. Morsch, M. Gribbins, and E. Boles, EvoLLLution: A Modern Campus Illumination, October 24, 2023.
- A Framework for Designing Online Collaborative Inquiry, B. McCollum, L. Morsch, M. Wentzel, in volume Taking Stock 2.0: Transforming Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, Eds. Hughes, J. C., Mighty, J., and Stockley, D., 203-223 STLHE. (2022).
- Reading and Relationships in Organic Chemistry, B. McCollum, L. Morsch, in volume Reading Across the Disciplines, Indiana University Press. ISBN 978-0253058720 (May 2022).
- Teaching Cheminformatics through a Collaborative Intercollegiate Online Chemistry Course (OLCC), S. Kim, E. C Bucholtz, K. Briney, A. P. Cornell, J.Cuadros, K. D. Fulfer, T. Gupta, E. Hepler-Smith, D. H. Johnston, A. S.I.D. Lang, D. Larsen, Y. Li, L. R. McEwen, L. A. Morsch, J. L. Muzyka, and R. E. Belford, Journal of Chemical Education, 2021, 98, 416-425.
- Reading and Relationships in Organic Chemistry, McCollum, Morsch, and Wentzel, In Press, May 2020.
- Student-generated videos in chemistry education, M. Gallardo-Williams, Morsch, C. Paye, and M. Seery, Chemistry Education Research and Practice, 2020, 21, 488-495., January 2020.
- The Mechanisms App and Platform: A New Game-based Product for Learning Curved Arrow Notation, Winter, S. Wegworth, B. DeKorver, L. Morsch, D. DeSutter, L. Goldman and L. Reutenauer, Active Learning in Organic Chemistry: Implementation and Analysis. ACS Symposium Series, January 1, 2019., 99-115.
- Multi-dimensional trust between partners for international online collaborative learning in ‘The Third Space’, Brett McCollum, Layne Morsch, and Michael Wentzel, In Press- International Journal of Students as Partners, April 2019.
- Emergence of Different Perspectives of Success in Collaborative Learning, McCollum, Falcione, Campbell, Chamberlain, Macias, Morsch, and Pinder, In Press – Canadian Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, March 2019.
- Inquiry-Based IR Spectroscopy Activity Using iSpartan or Spartan for Introductory-Organic-Chemistry Students , Amy Balija and Layne Morsch, Journal of Chemical Education submitted, March 2019.
- Practicing Multi-modal Chemistry Communication through Online Collaborative Learning, Michael Wentzel, Isaiah Ripley, Layne Morsch and Brett McCollum, Chapter accepted, May 2019.
- Overcoming Barriers for Implementing International Online Collaborative Assignments, Brett McCollum, Layne Morsch, Brandon Shokoples and Darlene Skagen, Canadian Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 10(1), 2019.
- Developing Communication Confidence and Professional Identity in Chemistry through International Online Collaborative Learning, Darlene Skagen, Brett McCollum, Layne Morsch and Brandon Shokoples, Chemical Education Research and Practice, 2018, 19, 567-582.
- Student Authored Video Vignettes in Chemistry, Layne A. Morsch, e-Mentor, 2017, 3, 25-32. DOI: 10.15219/em70.1303
- Flipped Teaching in Organic Chemistry Using iPad Devices, Layne A. Morsch, The Flipped Classroom Volume 1: Background and Challenges, Jan 2016, 73-92. DOI:10.1021/bk-2016-1223.ch006
Chancellor Koch’s State Journal Register Columns:
- Classroom Technology
- Teaching Fellows Program
- Online Learning
- Engaging Organic Chemistry Students Using ChemDraw for iPad, L.A. Morsch and M. Lewis, Journal of Chemical Education, 2015, 92(8), 1402-1405. DOI 1021/acs.jchemed.5b00054 (June 2015)
- Green Aqueous Wittig Reaction: Teaching Green Chemistry in Organic Teaching Laboratories, Layne A. Morsch, Leanne Deak, Dyllan Tiburzi, Harrison Schuster, and Brittney Meyer, Journal of Chemical Education, 2014, 91(4), 611-614. DOI: 10.1021/ed400408k (Feb 2014)
Generative Artificial Intelligence, Faculty Development
- AI AI Oh! Strategies for engaging learners with artificial intelligence while promoting academic integrity, L. Morsch, M. Gribbins, E. Boles, Distance Teaching & Learning and Summit for Online Leadership and Administration, Madison, WI (July 2023).
- Everything DiSC - What is DiSC, What is Your DiSC Style, OPEL Retreat, July 2023.
- ChatGPT as a Tool, Not a Solution, L. Morsch, D. Blaum, E. Boles, S. Collins, Oral Presentation at 2023 Faculty Summer Institute, Champaign, IL (May 2023)
- Central and Southern Illinois Faculty Development Network - Building Relationships across Illinois while expanding Faculty Development Opportunities, L. Morsch, T. Ambrose, K. Jones, Poster Presentation at 2023 Faculty Summer Institute, Champaign, IL (May 2023)
- ChatGPT: How to talk about & use A.I. in classes, Illinois Association of Teachers of English Spring Conference, Millikin University (March 2023)
- Reflective Practice, Invited Workshop, UIS Tennis Team (March 2022).
- Design for Online Collaborations – Beyond the Pandemic, L. Morsch, B. McCollum; M. Wentzel., 2022 Biennial Conference on Chemical Education, West Lafayette, IN (August 2022).
- What I’m learning about myself: Student meta-reflections in organic chemistry, L. Morsch, B. McCollum; M. Wentzel., 2022 Biennial Conference on Chemical Education, West Lafayette, IN (August 2022).
- Beyond the pandemic – framework for successful online collaborations, L. Morsch, B. McCollum; M. Wentzel., Canadian Chemical Conference and Exhibition, Calgary, Alberta, Canada (June 2022)
- What I could have done to get the most of the experience: student metareflections in organic chemistry, L. Morsch, B. McCollum; M. Wentzel., Canadian Chemical Conference and Exhibition, Calgary, Alberta, Canada (June 2022)
- Engaging organic chemistry students in multimodal communication practice through online collaborative learning. L. Morsch; B. McCollum; M. Wentzel. Pacifichem 2021, Virtual Conference.Student authored metaphors of online collaborative learning: Is it a platypus or rivers merging?, H. Hollinshead and L. Morsch, Poster presentation, 2019 American Chemical Society Fall National Meeting, San Diego, CA (August 2019).
- Faculty perspectives of facilitating an online collaborative learning experience, C. Pinder, D. Skagen and L. Morsch, Poster presentation, 2019 American Chemical Society Fall National Meeting, San Diego, CA (August 2019).
- Chemistry communication practice through online collaborative learning, L. Morsch. Poster and oral presentations, 2019 American Chemical Society Fall National Meeting, San Diego, CA (August 2019).
- Active learning in organic chemistry integrating LibreTexts OER and flipped instruction, L. Morsch. Poster and oral presentations, 2019 American Chemical Society Fall National Meeting, San Diego, CA (August 2019).
- Student metaphors of online collaborative learning from INCLD: International Network for Chemistry Language Development, L. Morsch, B. McCollum, M. Wentzel. Oral Presentation at 2018 Biennial Conference on Chemical Education (BCCE), South Bend, IN (August 2018)
- Growing student confidence in communication from INCLD: International Network for Chemistry Language Development, L. Morsch, B. McCollum, M. Wentzel. Oral Presentation at 2018 Biennial Conference on Chemical Education (BCCE), South Bend, IN (August 2018)
- Emergence of different perspectives of success in collaborative learning, C. Pinder, E. Campbell, S. Falcione, L. Morsch, B. McCollum, J. Chamberlain, M. Macias. Poster Presentation at 2018 Biennial Conference on Chemical Education (BCCE), South Bend, IN (August 2018)
- Exploring the essence of success in collaborative learning using phenomenology, C. Pinder, E. Campbell, S. Falcione, L. Morsch, B. McCollum, J. Chamberlain, M. Macias. Poster Presentation at 2018 Biennial Conference on Chemical Education (BCCE), South Bend, IN (August 2018)
- Studying abroad without leaving your own campus in the International Network for Chemistry Language Development, INCLD, B. Ekwonwa, I. Ripley, A. Roberts, L. Morsch, B. McCollum, M. Wentzel. Poster Presentation at 2018 Biennial Conference on Chemical Education (BCCE), South Bend, IN (August 2018)
- Invited Keynote Address, ICCHE Innovation Award Winner Presentation: Collaborative Learning Across Borders, ICCHE-ACHE Great Lakes Joint Conference, Chicago, IL (February 2018).
- Cross-Border Disciplinary Dialogue Between Peers, L. Morsch and B. McCollum Oral Presentation at International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (ISSOTL) 2017, Calgary, Alberta, Canada (October 2017).
- Designing an Interinstitutional Collaborative Assignment, Morsch Oral Presentation at 2017 Faculty Summer Institute, Champaign, IL (May 2017).
- nterinstitutional Chemistry Communication Practice Part 1: The ins and outs of implementing an international collaboration, L. Morsch and B. McCollum Oral Presentation at 253rd American Chemical Society (ACS) National Meeting, San Francisco, CA (April 2017).
- Interinstitutional Chemistry Communication Practice Part 2: Technological, social, and disciplinary barriers, B. McCollum and L. Morsch Oral Presentation at 253rd ACS National Meeting, San Francisco, CA (April 2017).
- Interinstitutional Collaborative Chemistry Assignments, T. Chasteen, B. Shokoples, D. Skagen, B. McCollum and L. Morsch Poster Presentation at 253rd ACS National Meeting, San Francisco, CA (April 2017).
Organic Chemistry, Scientific Communication
CHE 267 Organic Chemistry I – Check out Organic Chem 1 on Chem 1 on Libre Texts
CHE 268 Organic Chemistry I lab
CHE 269 Organic Chemistry II – Check out Organic Chem 2 on Chem 2 on LibreTexts, or Chem 2 on YouTube
CHE 271 Organic Chemistry II lab
CHE/BIO 301 General Seminar
CHE 302 Undergraduate Research
CHE 363 ECCE: Energy & the Environment
CHE 124 General Chemistry for the Health Professions
CHE 151 Survey of Organic and Biochemistry