A Happy Home

As the saying goes, “A Happy Home is A Healthy Home.”  Cleanliness contributes to a healthy home.  Students need to practice good cleanliness habits.  Similar to good hygiene by brushing teeth, showering and washing your hair, your residency needs attention too.  Your residency is more than just a building or structure.  It is your home (away from home) and Residence Life wants you to enjoy it.  However, since it is your home, you are responsible for maintaining it.  There are some basic and yet simple habits you can develop within your residency for increased happiness and enjoyment during your stay.  Here are some practices you can apply to maintain your home (as well as pass your Health and Safety Inspection and avoid contract charges) and a helpful video to enjoy!


Remove trash/waste from residences at least weekly and take to the appropriate dumpsters located in the corralls. This waste  includes all bedrooms, bathrooms and kitchen areas. If you remove trash more frequently, you are lessening the likelihood of developing a problem. When removing trash, take waste to the area receptacles. Placing bags and boxes outside your door is not only unsightly, but will attract unwanted “guests” such as insects, rodents and even animals such as raccoons, possums and coyotes. Rodents and animals often carry diseases in their system and sometimes in their droppings (dung) which can create an unsafe home. Remember to clean drips, splashes and residues from walls where waste and recycling cans are kept. Food splatter is a welcoming invitation for pests.


Sweep and mop all non-carpeted floors weekly. Follow directions provided on your cleaning product for proper use. Using too much soap can attract dirt. Using too little soap doesn’t clean the area. The aroma of pine or orange does not mean clean. Make sure to mop a second time with clean water to remove soap from floors. Vacuum all carpeted floors weekly. Remember your furniture sits on carpet too, so it is important to move your furniture so you can vacuum behind and underneath it.


Place opened food, such as chips and snacks, cereal and other food items, in plastic, sealing containers. Loose food attracts unwanted “guests.” Furthermore, old food, stale food, and spoiled food can create an unfavorable living environment. Check expiration dates frequently to verify freshness and edibleness. Molding items need to be discarded. Simply removing the mold does not remove the threat to your health. Placing items in plastic containers such as Tupperware, GladWare. Ziploc or another suitable storage product will eliminate the aroma issue and add to longer freshness.

Garbage (Sink) Disposal

Not everything can go in the garbage disposal. Large portions of food need to be placed in a waste can. Metal items, plastics, glass, rock/stones and cloth based items do not go into the garbage disposal. Such items can become lodged in the turning blades causing a jam or blockage. Since the disposal is an electrical device (appliance), a jam or blockage can be a fire hazard. Once a month pour ½ cup of baking soda down the drain (if applicable) followed by a cup of vinegar. This will help to reduce odors from building up in the sink.

Bathroom Sink and Tub/Shower

The use of a common cleaning scrubbing agent, such as comet, will help to remove the buildup of soap scum, toothpaste and hard water stains. Follow directions provided on your cleaning product for proper use. Using too much soap can attract dirt. Using too little soap doesn’t clean the area. The aroma of pine or orange does not mean clean. Make sure to remove your hygiene related items prior to cleaning to avoid getting anything on or in your daily hygiene “tools” (toothbrush, comp, curling iron, shampoo, etc.).

The Commode

Though the commode (toilet) is used frequently by multiple persons in the residency, it is the least favorite item to address. The commode is actually easier to clean than most students think. Simply putting on a pair of latex gloves can help to ease your concern of cleaning this item. You will need to do more than simply pour bleach in the bowl and swish it around. The rim of the bowl needs to be scrubbed with a bristle brush, the outer bowl needs to be wiped and the base needs to be cleaned as well. If this is done on a weekly basis, along with cleaning the floors, the amount to be cleaned and the length of time it takes to clean are greatly reduced.

You should also be using a “bell” toilet plunger to remove clogs and not a flat bottomed one. This will help you flush down waste

Your Laundry

Piles of dirty and/or soiled articles of clothing are easy to make. Cleaning these articles of clothing can seem like a “chore.” However, it’s important for you to launder your clothes regularly to avoid insect and rodent problems. Furthermore, a well maintained living environment also contributes to good hygiene. The basics of conducting laundry is a simple concept. Recommendations on how to do laundry can be found in the helpful hints section under the “Laundry” link.