Who is in charge of campus security and law enforcement?

The UIS campus police department is responsible for law enforcement and security on UIS property. The campus police department is staffed 24 hours a day by trained police officers and police telecommunicators.

The campus police department uses two approaches in its efforts to prevent crime. First, eliminating or minimizing opportunity for crime; and second, encouraging students and employees to be responsible for their own security and the security of others.

What authority do campus police officers have?

Campus police officers have full law enforcement authority granted by the Illinois General Assembly under chapter 110, section 305/7, Illinois Compiled Statutes. Their jurisdiction includes all property owned or controlled by UIS, as well as roads adjacent to and running through the campus. The campus police officers receive the same training as all other public law enforcement officers in the state of Illinois. The campus police department places special emphasis on training and education.

Campus police officers work with the city of Springfield Police Department, the Sangamon County Sheriff’s Office, the Illinois State Police, and other municipal, state and federal law-enforcement agencies, and all appropriate agencies of the criminal justice system.

RaveGuardian Mobile App

The UIS Police Department encourages all students, faculty, and staff to download the RaveGuardian mobile application. This application provides a host of resources you can use to help keep yourself safe.

  • Safety Timers - Set a virtual safety timer for an extra layer of safety wherever you are.
  • Submit a Tip - Prevent dangerous situations by discreetly sending anonymous tips with a photo or location as needed.
  • Inbox - Receive alerts based on your location, even when you don't have a cell signal.
  • Call Campus Police - With a push of a button, you can directly connect to 9-1-1 or campus police in an emergency.
  • Resources/Referrals - Access emergency procedures, schedules and other documents such as the Student of Concern and Employee of Concern reporting forms.
  • Call Directory - Easily find assistance and resources.

Once the RaveGuardian app is downloaded, community members should set their preferences prior to use. Users have the option to input contact information, emergency contacts, and even personal vehicles which may help campus police provide an expedited response in the event of an emergency.

Think “Safety” on Campus

  • Whenever you are walking between classes, or are in the library, shopping, or driving, stay alert and be aware of your surroundings.
  • Walk with confidence; show that you’re aware and in control. Body language is important.
  • Trust your instincts. If something or someone makes you uneasy, leave the area immediately. Call the campus police as soon as possible.
  • Walk with a friend whenever possible.
  • Don’t fumble in your pocket or purse for your door key, have it in hand before reaching your home or car.
  • Stay in well-lighted, well-traveled areas; do not take shortcuts!
  • Avoid jogging or biking alone. If you must go by yourself, stay clear of isolated or poorly lighted areas.
  • If you’re out late studying or working after hours, call the campus police for an escort when you’re ready to leave.
  • Watch your purse, backpack, and briefcase. Don’t take a break and leave them behind.
  • Consider carrying your purse under your coat to avoid theft.
  • Make sure a roommate or friend knows your routines; tell someone if you are going to be late or are going away.
  • More Safety Tips

UIS Campus Police
Emergency: (217) 206-7777
Non-emergency: (217) 206-6690