The UIS Biology Club is an officially registered organization that seeks to broaden the experiences of students in the biological sciences, increasing the scientific understanding and development of each student.
Biology Club encourages student participation in several community and campus development activities. Additional activities include regular outings both for educational and recreational purposes that provide a casual atmosphere for members to interact with Biology department faculty and to meet other students with similar interests. Current and past events include:
- Prairie Restoration and invasive species removal at the Henson-Robinson Zoo
- Annual house plant sale (early October)
- Annual Spring outdoor plant sale (End of April)
- Tree Campus USA (Arbor Day Foundation)
- Arbor Day Celebration (Celebrated on Arbor Day)
The UIS Biology Club is open to all UIS students, both Biology and non-Biology majors. Students interested in joining Biology Club may do so by attending any of the meetings or contacting one of us.

Contact Information
To find out about upcoming meetings, or for additional information about the UIS Biology Club, please contact:
Faculty Advisors: Dr. Amy McEuen and Dr. Rick Stokes