Primary Colors
The official UIS primary colors are Blue and White.Use standard color codes for print and electronic media (websites and other screen-based presentations).

Pantone (PMS): #295
CMYK: C-100, M-57, Y-0, K-40
RGB: R-0, G-51, B-102
Hex: 003366

Pantone (PMS): White
CMYK: C-0, M-0, Y-0, K-0
RGB: R-255, G-255, B-255
Hex: ffffff
Secondary Color
The official UIS secondary color is Gold.

Pantone (PMS): #7503
CMYK: C-0, M-12, Y-35, K-25
RGB: R-200, G-177, B-139
Hex: c8b18b

The typeface (font) family used for the UIS Wordmark is Adobe Garamond Bold.
We encourage the use of Garamond Premier Pro (a serif font) for the body text of official campus publications. This is not required. You may substitute Times or Times New Roman.
We also encourage the use of Myriad Pro (a sans-serif font). This is not required. You may substitute Verdana.
Merriweather and PT Sans are used on official UIS websites.