Article I, section 4 of the Constitution of the Senate (PDF) reads, in part:

"...In consultation with other representative bodies, such as the Student Senate (or its successor), the Campus Senate may establish committees to deal with the more general concerns of the University Community in accordance with the limitations contained in Article II, Section 1 and in the University Statutes. In those areas of multi-constituency concern, the Campus Senate shall ensure multi-constituency representation and establish the proper reporting procedures."

Executive Committee

The Executive Committee consists of the four officers of the Senate, the President of the Student Government Association, and the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs.
“The Executive Committee shall be responsible to the Senate for the effective and proper execution of its duties and responsibilities.”

Executive Committee Meetings/Agendas/Minutes/Reports

Lynn Fisher, Chair
Professor & Chair, Sociology/Anthropology
Telephone: (217) 206-7938

Holly Thompson, Vice Chair
Associate Professor, Human Development Counseling
Telephone: (217) 206-7568

Neetu Singh, Secretary
Associate Professor, Management Information Systems
Phone: (217) 206-7921

Deborah Anthony, Parliamentarian
Professor & Chair, Legal Studies
Phone: (217) 206-8340

Emmanuelle Yakana, President of Student Government Association

Brandon E. Schwab, Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs and Provost
Phone: 217-206-6614

Duties of the Officers


  1. calls, develops agendas for, and presides over meetings of the Senate;
  2. may be called upon by the Senate to be its spokesperson and to represent the Senate in other forums within and outside the University as the need shall arise;
  3. is responsible for supervising the support services provided to the Senate, and makes regular reports to the Senate on the disposition of such services.


  1. presides at meetings in the temporary absence of the Chairperson;
  2. in case of any incapacity of the Chairperson, temporarily assumes the duties of the Chairperson;
  3. assists the Chairperson in the preparation of the agenda;
  4. chairs the Committee on Committees.


  1. keeps minutes of each meeting, to be transcribed by the support staff;
  2. makes the minutes available to the membership for approval at the start of each meeting;
  3. maintains a file of such minutes for perusal, when necessary, by the members.


  1. advises the chair on questions of parliamentary procedure during meetings, at the request of the presiding officer, or upon points of order raised by the members.

Academic Freedom and Tenure

The Committee shall serve as an authorized faculty group to safeguard the academic freedom of the faculty and tenure status. The Committee shall conduct hearings in cases involving dismissal of tenured faculty, as provided in the University Statutes, may investigate instances of possible infringement of academic freedom and hear cases involving allegations of such infringement of any faculty, and may make such recommendations to the Chancellor and reports to the Senate as are appropriate.

Academic Freedom and Tenure Committee Meetings/Agendas/Minutes/Reports


Academic Integrity Council

The purpose of the Academic Integrity Council shall be to promote academic integrity at UIS by overseeing, evaluating, and facilitating implementation and understanding of the Academic Integrity Policy (AIP).

Academic Integrity Council Meetings/Agendas/Minutes/Reports




Academic Technology

The Academic Technology Committee shall serve in an advisory capacity with units integrating academic computing and technological services affecting educational policy within the campus community.

Academic Technology Meetings/Agendas/Minutes/Reports


Management Information Systems and Computer Science Departments (faculty)

Civil Service

Academic Professional



  • Jessica Baumberger,  Director of Office of Web Services
  • To be determined, Center for Online Learning, Research and Service (COLRS)
  • Maureen Hoover,  Enterprise Systems
  • Tulio Llosa,  Associate Provost for IT & Chief Information Officer
  • Kara McElwrath,  Assistant Director of Client Services
  • Cody Pope,  Director of Office of Electronic Media
  • Lea Smith, Director of Records and Registration/Registrar

Admissions, Recruitment, and Retention

The Committee shall have responsibility for developing, monitoring, and evaluating campus educational policies and standards related to admission and readmission of students to UIS and to degree and certificate programs, articulation with secondary schools, community colleges, and other universities; and for educational programs and policies which concern the retention of students, registration, and class scheduling. It shall make recommendations on procedures and practices in the Offices of Records and Registration, Admissions, Financial Assistance, and Enrollment Management that have an effect on the attainment of the University’s educational objectives.

Admissions, Recruitment, and Retention Meetings/Agendas/Minutes/Reports


Academic Professional



Assurance of Student Learning

The duties of the Committee on the Assurance of Student Learning are to: 1) study, develop, and encourage policies, procedures, and programs that assess student learning vis-à-vis baccalaureate skills, general education, graduate education, and academic programs; 2) provide continuing oversight to assessment activities; 3) foster best practices of assessment across the campus; 4) communicate and cooperate with other campus and University units and committees on assessment issues; 5) make reports and recommendations to the Senate and other units and officials of the campus and University.

Visit the CASL web page

Assurance of Student Learning Meetings/Agendas/Minutes/Reports




  • Jorge Villegas, Interim Associate Vice-Chancellor for Undergraduate Education
  • Cecilia Cornell, Associate Vice-Chancellor for Graduate Education
  • Marc Klingshirn, Director of the Capital Scholars Honors Program
  • To be determined, Center for Online Learning, Research and Service

Campus Planning and Budget (This committee was dissolved by the Senate effective April 22, 2022)

The Campus Planning and Budget Committee responsibilities shall be to (1) provide for campus-wide input into the campus budgeting and planning priorities by developing a short list of budget priorities for consideration by the Campus administration;  (2) review budget allocations and progress in relation to meeting CPBC priorities and the goals in the campus strategic plan;  (3) recommend changes in planning priorities to the Senate and to the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs; and (4) to submit an annual draft in the early spring to the Senate regarding budgeting and planning priorities and issues. The committee is not expected to become involved in detailed and comprehensive investigations in developing budget and planning priorities.

Campus Planning and Budget Meetings/Agendas/Minutes/Reports


Civil Service

Academic Professional



Diversity, Equal Rights, Opportunity, and Access (ROAD)

The duties of the Committee on Diversity, Equal Rights, Opportunity, and Access are to: (A) study, develop, make reports and recommend to the Senate and to other units and officials of the campus, policies, procedures, and programs that address the unique concerns of women, racial and ethnic minorities, persons with disabilities, and lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgendered members of our university community; (B) foster the recruitment, admission, hiring, and retention of members of these diverse groups in our student body and as employees of the university, as well as the creation of a welcoming, supportive, and inclusive campus environment; and (C) monitor campus policies, procedures, programs, and facilities to ensure that they are in full compliance with equal opportunity, affirmative action, and ADA federal and state laws.

Diversity, Equal Rights, Opportunity, and Access Meetings/Agendas/Minutes/Reports

Committee on Diversity, Equal Rights, Opportunity, and Access Mission Statement


Academic Professional

Civil Service



  • Shelby Bedford, Assistant Director, Access and Equity
  • Dre Duvendack, Program Coordinator, Gender & Sexuality Student Services
  • Jessica Flynn, Director, Office of Engaged Learning
  • Rebecca Matter, Director, Office of Disability Services
  • To be determined, Director of Diversity & Inclusion

General Education Council

The General Education Council (GECO) shall promote excellence in general education at UIS by facilitating development, approval, and evaluation of courses; developing policies and rules for implementation of the curriculum; and recommending to the Undergraduate Council and the Campus Senate policy changes of the general education curriculum.

General Education Council Meetings/Agendas/Minutes/Reports




Graduate Council

The purpose of the Graduate Council shall be to promote excellence in graduate education at UIS by reviewing, evaluating and facilitating the development of academic standards for graduate programs; and by reviewing, evaluating and facilitating the development of present and proposed graduate curricula.

Graduate Council Meetings/Agendas/Minutes/Reports




  • Cecilia Cornell,  Associate Vice Chancellor for Graduate Education, Interim Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs and Provost
  • Lea Smith, Director of Records and Registration/Registrar

Intercollegiate Athletics (This committee was dissolved by the Senate effective April 22, 2022.)

The IAC shall make recommendations to and advise the Senate on all campus programs, operations, and policies that are designed to assure academic integrity in intercollegiate athletics, including those which meet or exceed standards set by intercollegiate governing associations.

Intercollegiate Athletics Meetings/Agendas/Minutes/Reports

Faculty (voting members)

  • Marc Klingshirn,  At Large, LAS, 2019/22 (Co-Chair)
  • Sudeep Sharma,  At Large, LAS, 2019/22
  • Marcel Yoder,  FAR, LAS, 2019/22
  • David Bertaina,  Chair, At Large, LAS, 2020/23 2-year replacement term
  • Elise LoBue,  At Large, CBM, 2021/24

Student Government Association (voting member)

  • Jarrod Knapper,  SGA President,  2021/22

Student Athlete Advisory Committee 

Appoints two students: one male athlete and one female athlete and “*” designates a voting member between them.

  • Jennifer Queller
  • Rachel Cobert
  • Claire Eaton

Chancellor designee (voting member)

  • Derek Schnapp

Community Members (non-voting members)

  • Janice Spears
  • Doug Pollock


  • Laura Liesman, Director of Athletics
  • Allison Thornley, Senior Woman Administrator
  • Ken Parsons, Compliance Officer


The Committee shall advise the Dean of the Campus Library on the apportionment of the Library budget and on the formulation and execution of policies governing the operation of the Library.  Together with the Library Executive Committee, the committee shall advise the Chancellor on the appointment of the Dean of the Campus Library. Together with the faculty of the Library, the committee shall evaluate the Dean of the Library at least once every five years, in a manner jointly determined. As part of the evaluation, views shall be solicited from other concerned faculty and the entire faculty of the campus library.

Library Meetings/Agendas/Minutes/Reports


Director of the Campus Library

Academic Professional


Personnel Policies

The Personnel Policies Committee’s responsibilities shall be to regularly advise members of the Senate and Campus Administration concerning personnel issues affecting faculty, to review implementation of faculty personnel policies for uniformity and consistency, to recommend changes in personnel policies to the Senate and to the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, and to make regular reports to the Senate regarding faculty personnel issues. Members of the campus community may make suggestions to the PPC for changes to the Faculty Personnel Policy. The PPC will deliberate and present proposed changes to the Faculty Personnel Policy via resolutions to the Campus Senate. The Campus Senate will deliberate and vote upon such resolutions, with the vote results representing the official Senate recommendation. The Campus Senate will then forward the resolutions and the Senate recommendation to the administration for action. Changes to the personnel policies shall not take place in the absence of this deliberative process.  The administration will inform the PPC and the Campus Senate chairs of the final disposition of all proposed changes in a timely manner during the academic year when members of the PPC are on contract.

Joint statement between the Provost and the Personnel Policy Committee on how and when advice from the Senate will be sought for changes to the Faculty Personnel Policy




Student Discipline

The Committee shall be responsible for the conduct of the judicial functions of the student discipline and appeals system in accord with The Student Disciplinary Code and the Student Grievance Code; the University Statutes; and with rules and policies established by the Board of Trustees and the Senate.


Civil Service

Academic Professional



Sustainability (This commitee was dissolved as a Senate committee effective March 21, 2025.)

The Committee shall provide leadership for sustainability issues on the UIS campus and in other communities. Sustainability refers to practices designed to meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. It encompasses teaching, research, and practice in a variety of areas including but not limited to policy development, building design and construction, waste management and recycling, energy production and use, water use, and transportation.

Sustainability Meetings/Agendas/Minutes/Reports


Civil Service

Academic Professional


Supervisor of the Campus Sustainability Projects Coordinators

Student Sustainability Project Coordinators

Interim Associate Vice-Chancellor for Undergraduate Education

Director of Facilities Service (Designee)


Undergraduate Council

The purpose of the Undergraduate Council shall be to promote excellence in undergraduate education at UIS by reviewing, evaluating and facilitating development of academic standards for undergraduate programs; and by reviewing, evaluating and facilitating the development of present and proposed undergraduate curricula.

Undergraduate Council Meetings/Agendas/Minutes/Reports




  • Jorge Villegas, Interim Associate Vice-Chancellor for Undergraduate Education
  • Lea Smith, Director of Records and Registration/Registrar

University Requirements Council

The initial charge of the URC is to develop the preliminary URC Bylaws for review by the UGC and final approval by the Campus Senate. The preliminary bylaws should include a schedule for periodic review and, as needed, revision of the various components of the ECCE requirements including, but not limited to: learning outcomes, rubrics, certification and recertification guidelines, as well as any pertinent administrative schedules for current and future courses. Preliminary bylaws are to be proposed to the UGC and Senate during the Fall 2022 semester. Review of new courses by the college-level curriculum committees can begin in the Fall 2022 semester utilizing current ECCE guidelines and resources. Existing ECCE designated courses will maintain the ECCE designation until a recertification schedule is presented by the URC, reviewed by the UGC, and approved by the Campus Senate.

University Requirements Council meetings/agendas/minutes/reports


  • Sally LaJoie, LIB College Curriculum Committee (2024-2027)
  • Hasan Kartal, CBM College Curriculum Committee (2024-2027)
  • Alan Freedman, spring semester Chair, CHST College Curriculum Committee (2024-2027)
  • Neeraj Rajasekar, CLASS College Curriculum Committee, spring 2025 (ending spring 2025)
  • Isabel Skinner, CPAE College Curriculum Committee (ending spring 2025)



  • Jorge Villegas, Interim Associate Vice-Chancellor for Undergraduate Education

Ad Hoc Evaluation of Teaching Implementation Committee


Ad Hoc General Education Review Committee (This committee completed its charge and was dissolved in Fall 2021)

Ad Hoc Commission to Review Senate Composition

The commission shall elect a chair, review the University of Illinois governance documents (including the Statutes, and the Constitutions of the three universities), and prepare a report assessing the size and composition of the Campus Senate and the extent to which it appropriately represents and includes constituencies on campus. The commission should consult with the Campus Senate Executive Committee, the Student Government Association, the Civil Service Advisory Council, and the Academic Professional Advisory Council. The commission’s report, including any recommendations for changes to the size and/or composition of the Campus Senate, shall be made public and distributed.


Ad Hoc Commission to Review Senate Composition agendas and minutes