Teaching Resources on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
- How to be an Antiracist by Ibram Kendi
- Stamped: Racism, Antiracism, and You: A Remix of the National Book Award-winning Stamped from the Beginning by Jason Reynolds and Ibram Kendi. This book is recommended for everyone, but written for youth. National Book Award Winner: About Co-author Jason Reynolds
- Begin Again: James Baldwin's America and Its Urgent Lessons for Our Own - Eddie S. Glaude Jr. Recommended for everyone, as are all of the works of James Baldwin. Of Baldwin, Glaude writes, “Baldwin’s writing does not bear witness to the glory of America. It reveals the country’s sins, and the illusion of innocence that blinds us to the reality of others. Baldwin’s vision then requires a confrontation with history (with slavery, Jim Crow segregation, with whiteness) to overcome its hold on us. Not to posit the greatness of America, but to establish the ground upon which to imagine the country anew.”
- We Want to Do More Than Survive by Dr. Bettina Love. Especially recommended for current or aspiring educators at all levels.
- Interrogating Whiteness and Relinquishing Power: White Faculty's Commitment to Racial Consciousness in STEM Classrooms
- Race, Equity, and the Learning Environment: The Global Relevance of Critical and Inclusive Pedagogies in Higher Education
- Creating an equitable and inclusive STEM classroom: a qualitative meta-synthesis of approaches and practices in higher education
- Making STEM Equitable: An Active Learning Approach to Closing the Achievement Gap
- Intergroup dialogue: A justice-centered pedagogy to address gender inequity in STEM
Anti-Racism in Higher Education
- Black or Right: Anti/Racist Campus Rhetorics (2020). By Louis M. Maraj
- “Teaching While Black: Witnessing and Countering Disciplinary Whiteness, Racial Violence, and University Race-Management” (2015). By Carmen Kynard.
- “Time to Get Real”: What Black Faculty Need from White Faculty and Administrators to Interrupt Racism in Higher Education” (2020). By Christine A. Stanley, Insight Into Diversity.
Teaching Strategies
- The Antiracist Discussion Pedagogy by Dr. Selfa Chew, Dr. Akil Houston, and Dr. Alisa Cooper.
- “Effective Teaching is Anti-Racist Teaching” (2020). The Harriet W. Sheridan Center for Teaching and Learning, Brown University.
- “Ending Curriculum Violence” (2020). By Stephanie P. Jones. Learning for Justice.
- “Strategies for Antiracist and Decolonized Teaching” (2021). By Anamika Twyman-Ghoshal, and Danielle Carkin Lacorazza. Faculty Focus.
- “Teaching Race: Pedagogy and Practice” (2019). By Amie Thurber, M. Brielle Harbin, and Joe Bandy. Vanderbilt University Center for Teaching.
- “5 Principles as Pathways to Inclusive Teaching” (2020). By Soulaymane Kachani, Catherine Ross and Amanda Irvin. Inside Higher Ed.
Discipline-specific Resources
Literary Studies
Rhetoric and Composition
- Above The Well: An Antiracist Argument From a Boy of Color (2021) by Asao B. Inoue
- Race, Rhetoric, and Research Methods (2021) by Alexandria L. Lockett, Iris D.
- Ruiz, James Chase Sanchez, and Christopher Carter (including “Antiracism as an Ethical Framework for Research Race and Racism”)
- WPA Statement on Anti-Racist Assessment, Council of Writing Program Administrators
- Anti-Racist Reading List, Council of Writing Program Administrators
- Demand for Black Linguistic Justice, Conference on College Composition and Communication
Mindfulness and Antiracist Classroom Practices
Berila, B. (2016). Integrating Mindfulness into Anti-Oppression Pedagogy: Social Justice in Higher Education. New York, NY: Routledge.
Berry-James, R. M., Blessett, B., Emas, R., McCandless, S., Nickels, A. E., Norman-Major, K., & Vinzant, P. (2020). Stepping up to the plate: Making social equity a priority in public administration’s troubled times, Journal of Public Affairs Education, 27(1), 5-15.
Blessett, B., Dodge, J., Edmond, B., Goerdel, H. T., Gooden, S. T., Headley, A. M., Riccucci, N. M., & Williams, B. N. (2019). Social Equity in Public Administration: A Call to Action. Perspectives on Public Management and Governance, 2(4), 283-299.
Bush, M. (2011). Mindfulness in higher education. Contemporary Buddhism, 12(1), 183–197.
Davis, D. J. (2014). Mindfulness in Higher Education: Teaching, Learning, and Leadership. International Journal of Religion & Spirituality in Society, 4(3), 1–6.