About the Center for Lincoln Studies

lincoln statue

The Center for Lincoln Studies is dedicated to the study of Abraham Lincoln's life, era, and legacy. Through active learning opportunities, meaningful research, and civic engagement, the Center for Lincoln Studies ensures that everyone has the opportunity to see themselves reflected in Lincoln's legacy.

Center for Lincoln Studies Core Activities

Community Education

The Center for Lincoln Studies offers engaging programs on Lincoln's life, era, and legacy. Most notably, the CLS holds the Mary and James Beaumont Lincoln Legacy Lecture Series every fall.

Lincoln Research

The Center for Lincoln Studies conducts and supports research on Lincoln, his era, and his legacy. Recently, CLS director Jacob K. Friefeld's book, The First Migrants, was announced as a finalist for the Association for the Study of African American Life and History's book prize. The book unites Lincoln's legacies of emancipation and free land policy in the West.

Student Opportunity

The Center for Lincoln Studies creates opportunities for student-centered educational experiences through internships and graduate assistantships. The CLS is currently working closely with local partners to create internship opportunities at historic sites.

Related Degrees

History Degree (B.A., M.A.)

Explore and interpret the past with a history degree from UIS.

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