The Campus Behavioral Intervention Team (CBIT)

CBIT Mission Statement 

The Campus Behavioral Intervention Team (CBIT) is a multi-departmental team which coordinates developmental early interventions to support individual student success and promote the safety and welfare of the overall campus community at the University of Illinois Springfield. 

CBIT Function

CBIT includes representatives from UIS Police, Office of Disabilities Services, Department of Residence Life, The Diversity Center, Academic Affairs, University Counseling Services and the Dean of Students Office. These representatives work collaboratively to review reports of concern from community members, evaluate the level of risk and identify the appropriate action to support students and others in the affected community. Such actions might include outreach from a CBIT member or collaboration with other campus partners to provide a response to the referral. The following week, an update is provided as appropriate and possible additional recommendations to support the student in the future. 

Please note CBIT should not be confused with crisis management in which there is an immediate risk of harm to self or others. UIS employs certified police officers, who should be contacted in the event of an emergency or when an immediate response is needed (217-206-7777).

Student of Concern Reporting Form – This is to be used for concerning, threatening, or worrisome behaviors by members of our community.