Alternative Formats: Overview

Students requiring classroom information and/or textbooks in an alternative format should request the materials through the Office of Disability Services (ODS). Requests for alternative format materials must be supported by appropriate documentation. The request for alternative format classroom materials (tests, handouts, etc.) will be authorized by a student’s Disability Specialist. If other accommodations are required in a class an accommodation letter will be provided to notify professors of all authorized accommodations. Students must contact the Office of Disability Services to arrange a meeting in person (or via email/phone for online students) with their Disability Specialist to discuss all appropriate accommodations.
The process of creating alternative materials can take time, so requests for an alternative format of any textbook must be made as soon as possible. The Office of Disability Services has six (6) weeks to fulfill textbook requests.
To request course textbooks in an alternative format students must complete a form for each text being requested.
Access the Request for Alternative Textbooks
Students must also complete and return a Student Copyright Agreement with proof of purchase to the Office of Disability Services.
If you have additional questions about alternative format services at UIS please contact the Office of Disability Services at or by phone at 217 206-6666.
All information provided to students at University of Illinois Springfield is available in alternative formats upon eligibility and request.
Important information about disability services
- Contact the ODS as soon as possible to schedule an appointment with a disability specialist to review your Documentation for approved academic accommodations.
- Make an appointment with each of your professors to give them your accommodation letter and talk with them about your requested accommodations.
- We encourage you to share as much as you feel comfortable sharing with your professors about your disability. You don’t ever need to tell them your diagnosed disability.
- The ODS will never tell professors your diagnosed disability.
- Be sure to have your accommodation letter signed by your professor and return it to the ods.
- Check-in with your disability specialist several times during the semester if you have questions or concerns related to your academic accommodations.