Our faculty is dedicated to teaching as well as publishing and contributing to their fields. Below are some of their books, articles, and writings.

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Barking Abbey and Medieval Literary Culture: Authorship and Authority in a Women’s Monastic Community edited by Dr. Donna Alfano Bussell and Dr. Jennifer N. Brown
York Medieval Press, 2012

book cover: Mary Magdelene in medieval culture

“Challenging Cluny in England? Effacing the Priest in the Magdalene liturgies at Lewes and Pontefract” (in Mary Magdalene in Medieval Culture: Conflicted Roles) by Dr. Donna Alfano Bussell
Routledge, 2014

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“American’s Home Videos Episode 25,857: Helicopter Dad” by Dr. Meagan Cass
DIAGRAM, Summer 2014

book cover: ActivAmerica

"ActivAmerica" by Dr. Meagan Cass, UNT Press, 2017.

book cover: Mulan's legend and legacy

Mulan’s Legend and Legacy in China and the United States by Dr. Lan Dong
Temple University Press, 2010

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“From Beijing Story to Their Story: Adaptation and Stanley Kwan’s Lan Yu” by Dr. Tena Helton and Dr. Lan Dong
Journal of Adaptation in Film and Performance, 2014

journal cover: American Indian quarterly

"What the White 'Squaws' Want from Black Hawk: Gendering the Fan-Celebrity Relationship" by Dr. Tena Helton
American Indian Quarterly, 2010

book cover: Shakespeare project

The Shakespeare Project and Ensuing Essays by Dr. Ethan Lewis
Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2015

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Modernist Image by Dr. Ethan Lewis
Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2010

book cover: literary nuances

Literary Nuances: Millions of Strange Shadows by Dr. Ethan Lewis. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2018

book cover: pregnancy in the Victorian novel

Pregnancy in the Victorian Novel by Dr. Livia Arndal Woods. The Ohio State University Press, 2023