Non-salaried or “affiliate” appointments are made by the department to recognize contributions by persons who are otherwise employed outside UIS, but contribute in some way to the teaching, research and service missions. The specific conditions of all these appointments are determined by each department and college. Departments may name an individual as an affiliate faculty member if the contributions of the individual will be substantive and sustained in achieving the mission of the department, college and the University. Examples include:

  • co-advising a student with a regular faculty member
  • participating in joint programs with UIS faculty
  • providing guest lectures in classes or assisting in outreach activities
  • advising a student organization with a regular faculty member


Affiliate appointments must be made on annual basis pursuant to University Statutes, but units may choose to include the ability to offer a commitment to annually reappoint individuals to unpaid (i.e., 0%) affiliate appointments. The unit granting the 0% faculty appointment may terminate the arrangement by not reappointing for a subsequent year. Although these appointments carry faculty ranks, i.e., assistant, associate, or full professor, they are not tenure-track or tenured appointments and will carry the “affiliate” modifier. The affiliate appointment does not entitle the holder to any formal notice of non-reappointment.

Determination of Rank

Criteria for an affiliate faculty appointment to any faculty rank should be consistent with the criteria used for appointments to those for regular faculty to the extent applicable.

Compensation and Concurrent Appointments

An affiliate faculty member is not an employee and may not receive compensation for services performed for the University. An individual may not hold affiliate faculty status while holding another UIS position in which he or she receives compensation from the University. Affiliates may be listed in more than one department or unit if appropriate.

Personal Reimbursement

An affiliate faculty member who incurs expenses in connection with his or her service to UIS may receive reimbursement from the University for such expenditures in accordance with University policies. Prior approval is needed before any expense is incurred.

Periodic Review

The department head will review the appropriateness of continuation of affiliate faculty status annually. The department head is expected to be aware of and hold individuals accountable for activities associate with their UIS affiliation.  Documentation of such review will be maintained in the department file only.


An affiliate faculty member is eligible for a University ID card and associated privileges, such as purchasing a parking tag and using library services.

An affiliate faculty member is not eligible for regular employee benefits, such as sick and vacation leave or medical, dental, or other employee insurance programs.

Sponsored Research

An affiliate faculty member is not eligible to be a principal investigator, but may conduct research as a co-principle investigator or participate in UIS-sponsored research, subject to compliance with UIS research and integrity policies.

Process to Initiate Affiliate Faculty Status

A departmental request to name an affiliate faculty member shall be submitted to the dean and include a letter of justification and a copy of the candidate’s current resume or vita.

Following the Dean’s approval, the information is routed to the Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs & Provost for his/her approval. Once the request has been approved, the department may initiate and send the Affiliate Faculty Notice letter along with UI New Hire instructions.

Approval Date
Effective Date
Last Reviewed
Responsible Unit
Unit Head
Brandon Schwab