Career Connections Expo

The Career Connections Expo will be hosted by the University of Illinois Springfield on Friday, March 21, 2025 from 11:00am - 2:00pm at The Recreation and Athletic Center (TRAC) on the UIS Campus! Parking is available (at no additional cost) for participants in Lot I. 

The Career Connections Expo provides a great way to connect students, alumni, and community job seekers with employers who are looking for candidates for jobs, internships, and future connections.

Advanced registration for students, alumni and community participants is not required but is appreciated. **For UIS Students - Please plan to bring your i-card and/or UIS Connection event pass to scan in/swipe in at the check-in table for the event.  UIS Alumni and Community Members can sign-in via the sign in sheets available at the check-in table to help us keep track of attendance. All participants are welcome!

Learn more on UIS CareerConnect (Handshake):

- Google Outlook iCal
Event Type
TRAC Arena