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Autism in the Workplace: How Leaders Create an Inclusive and Supportive Environment

Presenter Jonathan Pierce

The focus of this event is to draw the audience’s attention to the field of autism as it relates to employment-based suppsort and accommodations. With a supposed “autism tsunami” in the years to come in which organizations will likely see a significant increase of applicants or employees who are on the spectrum, leaders need to prepare their organizations for it, at all levels. Participants will learn about the research Dr. Pierce conducted with a company in the Chicago area that hires and supports employees with high-functioning autism. The presentation will be participative in nature and will culminate in a live demonstration on stage of some common workplace accommodations and supports for individuals with high- functioning autism. 

Dr. Pierce has a PhD in Management, Leadership and Organizational Change from Walden University; a Master of Science in Management and Organizational Behavior from Benedictine University; a Bachelor of Business Administration in Management and Organizational Behavior from Benedictine University. He has over 14 years in higher education including serving as Associate Dean in accelerated, non-traditional student services, Division Chair and full-time faculty in Business and Management, and served as the International Programs Liaison recruiting and supporting international exchange students, and currently serves as Assistant Director of International Recruitment at UIS. 

Brookens Auditorium
Event Type