Photo of Friday Night Star Party

The UIS Astronomy program hosts in-person Friday Night Star Parties at the UIS Campus Observatory 8-10 pm on Friday nights in September and October.

A Star Party is an open house at the Campus Observatory with the telescopes to share enjoyment of the night sky. The events are free and open for everyone including students, employees and community members. Walk-ups are encouraged and welcome.  People can come and go as they please any time between 8 - 10 pm.

These events are weather dependent and may be called for clouds or rain. Call 217/206-8342 on the evening of the event or check our Twitter feed (@UISObservatory) or Dr Martin's Instagram for weather information. 

A full list of dates and information can be found at the Star Parties Web Site.

The UIS Campus Observatory is on the roof of Brookens Library, accessible through an exterior door labeled "Observatory" on the southeast corner of the building. If you are at the front of the library facing the UIS Fountain and Sangamon Auditorium, put your left hand on the wall of the library building and walk about a third of the way around the outside of the building to the Observatory entrance. Be prepared for four flights of stairs to reach the observatory on the roof.

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Campus Observatory
Event Type