Policy Manual

GA Policy Manual (pdf)

Student Information

GA Forms

Time Sheet

Timesheet for Graduate Assistants 2024-2025 (Box)

All Graduate Assistants are required to keep record of the actual hours worked on a time sheet. The supervisor must review, sign, and maintain a copy of the time sheet on a monthly basis.

All Pre-Professional Assistants, Research Assistants and Teaching Assistants are considered “salaried exempt” appointments. A time sheet is not required, but is advisable for both the assistant’s and the department’s records.

Time sheets are not submitted to the Graduate Assistantship Office. A copy of each time sheet should be retained by the assistant and the original should be retained by the assistantship supervisor/department.

Earnings Statements

If you need a copy of your earnings statement (i.e., pay check stub) for any pay period, login to the Nessie system.

Request for Leave Form

The Request for Leave form (pdf) should be completed any time you need to request time off from work (sick leave, floating holiday time, etc.). Your supervisor must approve the time used.

The completed Request for Leave form should be maintained by the assistantship supervisor/department.

Petition/Waiver Forms

  • Waiver for Maximum Term of Appointment (Fillable pdf) 
    • Filed to request permission to waive the Assistantship Policy restriction limiting the number of semesters of appointment to a maximum of four.  A degree plan detailing all remaining courses and expected terms they will be taken must accompany this petition as supporting documentation.
  • Waiver for Maximum Course Load (Fillable pdf) 
    • Filed to request permission to waive the Assistantship Policy limiting the total number of credit hours an assistant can be registered for during the fall or spring semester to no more than 12 hours.
  • Waiver for Minimum Course Load (Fillable pdf) 
    • Filed to request permission to waive the Assistantship minimum enrollment policy of at least 8 credit hours during the fall or spring semester. Please note special notices on the second page of the waiver form.
  • Request for Summer Tuition Waiver (Fillable pdf) 
    • Please note that the Graduate Assistantship Policy Manual states that a student who has served as an assistant during a regular semester preceding a summer session of the same academic year is eligible for a tuition waiver of up to 6 hours during that summer term, as long as the assistant does not exceed the maximum of 30 credit hours of tuition waived during the academic year.
  • GA Reappointment Request (Fillable pdf) 
    • Filed during the spring semester of an assistantship appointment to notify the Graduate Assistantship Office of your desire to either continue in your current placement during your second year, or to inform the office of why you do not wish to be reappointed. Due to the Graduate Assistantship Office by March 3, 2024.
  • Waiver for Incomplete Course work (Fillable pdf) 
    • Filed to request permission to waive the Assistantship Policy restriction which prohibits assistants from continuing their appointments when they have received incomplete grades – except for thesis or closure project courses.
  • Request for Concurrent Registration Tuition Waiver (Fillable pdf) 
    • Do not file this form until you have spoken with the UIS Office of Financial Assistance.  Filed when the assistant wishes to request to concurrently enroll at either UIUC or UIC during the fall or spring semester.
  • Documentation of Academic Plan for Next Semester (Fillable pdf) 
    • Filed when one or more of the following situations occurs: 1) the assistant’s pattern of course completion fails to meet the minimum course load requirements; 2) the assistant’s cumulative grade point average (GPA) falls below 3.0; and/or 3) the assistant is placed on academic probation or suspension. This form is completed in consultation with the assistant’s academic advisor.

 Evaluation Forms

Endorsement Forms for Supervisors

  • Reappointment Supervisor Endorsement (Fillable pdf) 
    • Filed during the spring semester to notify the Graduate Assistantship Office of the hiring department’s desire to continue the assistantship appointment of the current assistant for a second year, or to inform the Graduate Assistantship Office of why the current assistant will not be reappointed.  Should be filed by March 3, 2024.

Sample Letter