Full Time Faculty

Dr. Hei-Chi Chan
Mathematical Sciences Department Chair
Associate Professor of Mathematical Sciences, Astronomy-Physics
Ph.D., M.S. Yale University
B.S. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Email: chan.hei-chi@uis.edu
Phone: (217) 206-7331
Office: BRK 377B
Dr. Chan's personal web page

Dr. Yuichi Iwashita
Associate Professor of Mathematical Sciences
Ph.D. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Email: ciwas1@uis.edu
Phone: (217) 206-7939
Office: BRK 385

Dr. Tung Nguyen
Associate Professor of Mathematical Sciences
Ph.D., Auburn University
Email: tnguy2@uis.edu
Phone: (217) 206-8338
Office: BRK 388

Dr. Liang Kong
Associate Professor of Mathematical Sciences
Ph.D., Auburn University
Email: lkong9@uis.edu
Phone: (217) 206-7219
Office: BRK 390
Dr. Kong's personal web page

Dr. Yifei Li
Assistant Professor of Mathematical Sciences
Ph.D. and M.S., Washington University in St. Louis
B.A., Berea College
Email: yli236@uis.edu
Phone: (217) 206-7346
Office: BRK 389

Carol M. Saltsgaver
Clinical Instructor of Mathematical Sciences
M.S. University of Oklahoma
Email: csalt2@uis.edu
Phone: (217) 206-7451
Office: BRK 384

Elizabeth Thing
Remedial Math Specialist
Email: ethin2@uis.edu
Phone: (217) 206-8483
Office: BRK 382

Jennifer Grebner
Remedial Math Specialist
Email: jbren4@uis.edu
Office: BRK 380
Read more on Jennifer Grebner
Adjunct Faculty

Email: nmeis2@uis.edu
Phone: (217) 206-7449
Office: BRK 449
Associated Staff & Faculty
Chrissy Benoit
Program/Student Advisor
Email: cbeno2@uis.edu
Phone: (217) 206-8405
Office: BRK 379
Dr. Chung-Hsien Sung
Associate Professor of Mathematical Sciences, Emeritus
Email: sung.chung-hsien@uis.edu
Phone: (217) 206-7330
Larry Stonecipher
Associate Professor of Mathematical Sciences, Emeritus
Email: lston1@uis.edu
Phone: (217) 206-6784