Layla Wellington
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Anna Reed
Anna Reed
Criminal Justice

Hometown: Springfield, Illinois
Major: Criminal Justice
Future Plans: Work for the Illinois Innocence Project

Anna Reed enjoys the University of Illinois Springfield because of the unique experiences students can create. “I like how everyone's UIS experience could be different, depending on your goals and preferences you can tailor your experience to be what you want,” she said. As an intern for the Illinois Innocence Project, Reed is excited to gain real-world experience. “As an Illinois Innocence Project intern, we are trained and have the opportunity to conduct real-world casework on behalf of the individual wrongfully incarcerated. It is an exceptional privilege, as the Illinois Innocence Project is the only project in the county that utilizes undergraduate students as part of the program,” she said. Reed chose UIS because of the criminal justice program and proximity to family and friends. Following graduation, she plans to continue working for the Illinois Innocence Project and obtain a master’s degree. 

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