Layla Wellington
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Salomé Wortman
Salomé Wortman
Environmental Studies

Hometown: Springfield, Illinois
Major: Environmental Studies
Future Plans: Considering graduate school

Salomé Wortman chose the University of Illinois Springfield because he wanted to be a part of
the community. “From what I saw about (UIS) before I applied, it would fit my needs well, and
it does,” he said. “I’m so grateful for the people around me that I’ve met here.” Wortman serves
as the sustainability coordinator for the Green Fee Committee. The committee was designed to
create an environmentally friendly and economically vibrant campus. When asked what his
favorite project the Green Fee Committee completed was, he said, “I would say one of the most
visible ones are the various water bottle refilling stations across campus.” Following graduating
from UIS, he plans to explore his options within his degree and is considering graduate school.

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