
Includes all internal badges offered for credit and non-credit activities.



A United States Higher Education Qualification (or international equivalent) that is awarded by an accredited provider (e.g., Bachelor Degree, Master Degree).


A digital form of non-credit certification indicating demonstrated mastery in a specific skill or set of skills (e.g., Professional Development).

Digital Badge

An electronic representation of an accomplishment, affiliation, or interest that is visual, available online, and embedded with metadata that provides context, meaning, process, and result of an activity.


Detailed information about who issued the badge, what the criteria were for earning it, when it was earned, keyword tags, evidence, and any other relevant information to convey the value of the certification. It is embedded in the digital badge, which validates the integrity of the credential. 


This policy documents the process for the use, design, and application of Digital Badges at the University of Illinois Springfield.


Digital badges are a visual representation of the attainment or successful demonstration of the knowledge, skill and/or competency gained through learning and engagement opportunities that are verified by the University.

Policy Statement

The University will permit the use of digital badges for the purposes of acknowledging the achievements of learners (e.g., students and employees) documented and assessed through credit and non-credit learning


The University is committed to ensuring the integrity, transparency, and creditability of its digital badges. Recognition of a skill, attribute, or competency that has been developed through learning will only be granted within the constraints of this commitment. Applications for a digital badge will provide evidence that accurately represents knowledge, skill, or attribute that is being assessed or evaluated.

Permissions and Usage

The University of Illinois Springfield recognizes that macro-credentials often do not clearly identify specific skills or abilities gained through an educational experience. The University acknowledges learning is a lifelong process where individuals should be provided with opportunities to acquire, display, and certify their achievements, skills, knowledge, and competencies gained through learning and professional development opportunities.


Digital badges provide evidence of achievement and are not to be used as an acknowledgment of attendance or participation in a module, training program, or course. Earning a digital badge symbolizes the attainment of a skill, knowledge, or behavior that is supported by evidence, e.g., coursework, a reflective narrative, or other assessment.


The awarding and ownership of a digital badge is the right of the University. The University has a right to revoke a digital badge that has been issued to a person who did not possess the knowledge, skill, or behavior that was assessed.

Brand Identity

As a digital emblem, digital badges are bound by the University brand identity guide. The design and development of digital badges will be managed by UIS Continuing and Professional Education (CAPE) to ensure integrity and consistency in online and digital branding.


The design of university digital badges will promote a sense of dynamic learning, by highlighting the multitude of opportunities that are available to acquire, display and certify knowledge, skills and behaviors. It will embody the culture, atmosphere and experience of the University. 


The Digital Badge Request Form will assist with the development and implementation of digital badges. It is the responsibility of the proposer to ensure that the information provided in this form is complete, and sufficient to develop a digital badge that meets all requirements.

Requesting Badges for credit-bearing courses

  1. Badges for skills demonstrated in credit-bearing courses, certificates, or college-sponsored activities will be reviewed and approved by each college.
  2. The college-approved Digital Badge Request Form should be emailed to
  3. CAPE will create the digital badge and notify the college and the badge requestor when the credential has been created.

Requesting badges for non-credit workshops and activities

  1. The digital badge request form for non-credit badges will be reviewed by CAPE.
  2. Approved digital badges will be created based on the submitted form.

Digital Badge Request Form

The information required on the Digital Badge Request Form will document the skills demonstrated and/or activities completed to earn the badge (see example below). Requestors must document the process used to validate each badge recipient’s content achievement, the date of the content validation, and the name/email of the badge recipient (to be released to the third-party badging platform).

  • Title (e.g. Collaboration);
  • Description (e.g. This badge recognizes competence in the skill of collaboration);
  • Criteria (e.g. When working with others the recipient shows: commitment to problem solving and working with peers; approaches group tasks systematically; makes connections between the ideas of other group members; and recognizes the role of other people in the group.);
  • Issuer Details (e.g. Department of Education);
  • Criteria (e.g. Reflective essay);
  • Date issued (and expiration);
  • Tags (optional; e.g. #Collaboration; #Teamwork; #Cooperation; #UIS).

Standard Symbols for Badge Design

All images included in badges must be approved by CAPE.

Issuing Badges

To issue credentials, the requestor will follow the process established by CAPE upon approval of the digital badge.

Badges Development and Issuance Fees

Please contact CAPE at for badge development and issuance fees.  

Addendum A. Examples of Digital Badges

Knowledgeable and skilled, with critical judgement

  • Comprehensive knowledge and skills relating to their disciplines
  • Ability to analyze and critically evaluate arguments and evidence
  • Facility with interdisciplinary perspectives
  • Capacity to find, evaluate and use information
  • Ability to apply professional knowledge and skills in the workplace

Effective communicators and collaborators

  • Capacity to communicate effectively with others orally and in writing
  • Capacity to communicate effectively with others using technological and creative media
  • Capacity to interact and collaborate with others effectively in the workplace

Innovative, creative and entrepreneurial

  • Ability to deploy knowledge and skills to devise solutions to problems
  • Knowledge of research methodologies appropriate to their disciplines
  • Ability to generate creative works and perspectives
  • Capacity to manage their careers independently

Socially responsible and engaged in their communities

  • Ethical awareness and academic integrity
  • Capacity to apply interdisciplinary knowledge to solve real problems
  • Understanding of social and civic responsibilities, human rights or sustainability

Culturally Capable

  • Awareness of and respect for the values and knowledges of global citizens
  • Capacity to apply interdisciplinary knowledge to solve real national and international concerns or issues
  • Understanding of social and civic responsibilities, human rights or sustainability beyond borders

Effective in culturally diverse and international environments

  • Ability to interact successfully in culturally or linguistically diverse contexts
  • Capacity to apply global knowledge and perspectives
Policy Level
Approval Date
Effective Date
Last Reviewed
Unit Head
Vickie Cook