The UIS campus does not close due to inclement weather except under the most extraordinary conditions.

A decision to cancel classes due to inclement weather is made separately from the consideration to close the campus. So, it is possible that classes would be canceled but the campus would remain open for other business.

When classes are canceled, the normal expectation is that all offices and other services of the university will have regular operating hours.

It is also generally assumed that if classes on campus are canceled, online classes would not be interrupted.

If severe weather threatens, the announcement to cancel classes or close the campus is posted officially on the UIS Web site ( and broadcast on WUIS/WIPA radio (91.9 and 89.3 FM). Official information will also be available at the main UIS switchboard – 217.206-6600, and delivered to faculty, staff and students through official UIS email. Other media will be provided information, but those media are not official sources.

Ordinarily, when threatening weather begins during the day, the decision to cancel evening classes is made by 3 p.m., and when the inclement weather begins during the night, the decision to cancel classes for the day is made by 6 a.m. Decisions about class cancellations may be made at any time if the situation makes it necessary.

The Liberal Leave Policy will be implemented when conditions warrant.

When the campus is declared closed, essential services will still be provided, as spelled out in the Essential Services Policy.

Because UIS students commute from various locations, weather conditions may vary between their home area and the Springfield campus and/or the Peoria Center. If classes are not canceled and a student believes that travel will be dangerous, the student should make the appropriate personal decision and notify his/her instructor of a planned absence from class. Instructors are advised to abide by each student’s judgment in such cases.

Cancellation of classes at UIS’ Peoria Center is handled separately.

Last Reviewed
Responsible Unit
Unit Head
Kelsea Gurski