
These Procedures implement the University of Illinois System Policy on Workplace-Related Intimate Personal Relationships for the University of Illinois Springfield (University).


These Procedures outline the process all University employees must follow for reporting new or ongoing intimate personal relationships as defined in the Policy.

Employee Responsibility

Employees shall utilize the Reporting Form to report a new intimate personal relationship or an ongoing personal relationship that existed before implementation of the Policy. Employees must submit the Reporting Form to the Office of Human Resources for review. Human Resources will then determine whether or not: the relationship is prohibited under the Policy, an exception can be granted, and/or a Conflict Management Plan is necessary.

The Employee is responsible for alerting Human Resources to any changes in employment position or job duties and responsibilities while the relationship is ongoing that may impact the HR determination.

Submission and Review Process

  1. Employee (Person A) completes the Reporting Form and submits it to uishr@uis.edu
  2. Human Resources reviews the form and informs the other party (Person B) that a report has been made.
  3. Human Resources contacts necessary individuals, which can include (but is not limited to) Person A and Person B to gather more information and to determine whether or not: the relationship is prohibited under the Policy, an exception can be granted, and/or a Conflict Management Plan (CMP) is necessary.
  4. If a CMP is necessary, Human Resources completes the CMP form and routes the form electronically to Person A for signature.
  5. After Person A signs CMP, the form is routed to Person A’s supervisor and then to Person A’s unit head for signature.
  6. Human Resources will have the final signature on the CMP.
  7. Human Resources will ensure that a final copy of the CMP, containing all the necessary signatures, is provided to Person A and Person B.

Appeal Process

In the event HR makes a determination with which Person A disagrees, Person A may submit a written request for reconsideration to the Division Head. The request should include all relevant information Person A would like considered in the reevaluation. The Division Head may need to contact Human Resources or additional individuals to evaluate the request for reconsideration.

Periodic Review

Human Resources reserves the right to periodically review the CMP to ensure compliance and to determine whether or not updates need to be made to the CMP.

Consequences for Non-Compliance

Any employee who violates the terms of the Policy and/or fails to adhere to the procedures set forth herein may be subject to disciplinary action.

Effective Date
Last Reviewed
Responsible Unit
Unit Head
Drew Schlosser