I. Policy Information 

Policy Title: University of Illinois Springfield Policy on Use of Electronic Equipment in Public Areas for Safety and Security Purposes 
Policy Owner: University of Illinois Springfield Police Department 
Responsible Official: University of Illinois Springfield Police Chief 
Approved by: Chancellors Cabinet 
Date Approved: 01/21/2025 
Effective Date:01/21/2025 
Targeted Review Date:01/21/2028 
Related Policies: 

II. Scope 

This policy applies to all personnel, departments, and colleges of the university in the use of electronic equipment surveillance and recording. Legitimate academic uses of this technology used for research are covered by university policies governing research with human subjects and are, therefore, excluded from this policy. 

III. Purpose 

The purpose of this policy is to regulate the use of electronic equipment to observe and record public areas for the purposes of safety and security. The existence of this policy does not imply or guarantee that electronic equipment will be monitored in real time 24 hours a day, seven days a week. 

IV. Background 

The University of Illinois Springfield is committed to enhancing the quality of life of the university community by integrating the best practices of public and private policing with state-of-the-art technology. A critical component of a comprehensive security plan using state-of-the-art technology is the utilization of electronic equipment. 

V. Statement of Policy 

  1. The purpose of the use of electronic equipment for surveillance of public areas is to deter crime and to assist the police in protecting the safety and property of the university community. Any diversion of security technologies and personnel for other purposes (e.g., surveillance of political or religious activities, or employee and/or student evaluations) would undermine the acceptability of these resources for critical safety goals and is therefore prohibited by this policy. 
  2. Electronic equipment surveillance for security purposes will be conducted in a professional, ethical and legal manner. Personnel involved in electronic equipment surveillance will be appropriately trained and supervised in the responsible use of this technology. Violations of the procedures outlined below for electronic equipment surveillance referenced in this policy may result in disciplinary action consistent with the rules and regulations governing employees of the University. 
  3. Information obtained through electronic equipment surveillance will only be released when authorized by the UIS Police Chief according to the procedures established in this policy. 
  4. Electronic equipment surveillance of public areas for security purposes will be conducted in a manner consistent with all existing University policies, including the Non-Discrimination Policy and Sexual Harassment Policy. Electronic equipment control operators will not monitor individuals based on characteristics protected by the University’s Non-Discrimination Policy. Electronic equipment control operators will monitor based on suspicious behavior, not individual characteristics. 
  5. Electronic equipment surveillance of public areas for security purposes at the university is limited to uses that do not violate the reasonable expectation of privacy as defined by law. 

VI. Responsibilities 

  1. The University Police Department is the department authorized to oversee and coordinate the use of electronic equipment surveillance for safety and security purposes at the university. All university units using electronic equipment surveillance are responsible for implementing this policy in their respective operations. University Police has the primary responsibility for reviewing and updating the policy in addition to assisting other units in implementing the policy and procedures. 
  2. The Chief of Police has the responsibility to authorize all electronic equipment surveillance for safety and security purposes at the University. If a unit other than UIS Police are requesting electronic surveillance equipment, approval must be received prior to the procurement of such items. All new installations will follow this University Policy. The Vice Chancellor of Finance and Administration, and the Human Resources Director of Labor Relations at UIS will be notified of any and all electronic equipment surveillance operations. 
  3. The University Police will monitor new developments in the relevant law and in security industry practices to ensure that electronic equipment at the University is consistent with the highest standards, protections, and compliant with all Federal, State, and local laws 
  4. The University Police will accept input and recommendations on electronic equipment locations, and also review electronic equipment locations to ensure the perimeter of view of fixed location electronic equipment conforms to this policy. The proposed location of permanent electronic equipment will be reviewed by the Chief of Police for written approval before installation. The locations of temporary electronic equipment to be used for special events will also be reviewed by the Chief of Police. (Note: “Temporary” does not include mobile electronic equipment or hidden surveillance electronic equipment used for criminal investigations.) Included with the list of electronic equipment locations will be a general description of the technology employed and the capabilities of the electronic equipment. 
  5. Students and staff entering certain sensitive locations on university property may have an increased concern for privacy or confidentiality. To prevent a possible chilling effect at these locations, concerned persons may petition the Chief of Police to forgo the installation of a proposed electronic equipment or for the removal of an existing electronic equipment. The Chief of Police will determine the appropriateness of an installation weighing the concerns of the person(s) making the requests and the safety and security of the entire community. Any appeal of a decision by the Chief of Police will be reviewed by the Vice Chancellor of Finance and Administration who will make the final decision. 
  6. The Chief of Police will review all requests received by the University Police Department to release recordings obtained through electronic equipment surveillance. No release of electronic equipment recordings will occur without authorization by the Chief of Police. Excluded from release are tapes directly related to a criminal investigation, arrest, subpoena, or any other legally required reason. 
  7. The Vice Chancellor of Finance and Administration may audit any college or department’s electronic equipment surveillance operations, including electronic equipment storage, at any time. 

VI. Procedures 

  1. All operators and supervisors utilizing electronic equipment surveillance of public areas will perform their duties in accordance with this policy. 
  2. Appropriate and clear signage will be placed within a reasonable distance of all indoor electronic equipment locations. 
  3. Electronic equipment positions and views of residential housing will be limited. Any view of housing will be no greater than what is available with unaided vision. Furthermore, the view of a residential housing facility must not violate the standard of “reasonable expectation of privacy.” 
  4. Surveillance centers will be configured to prevent electronic equipment operators tampering with or duplicating recorded information. 
  5. Recorded electronic equipment may be stored for a period not to exceed 30 days, unless retained as part of a criminal investigation or court proceedings (criminal or civil), or other bona fide use as approved by the Chief of Police. 
  6. Electronic equipment footage will be stored in a secure location with access by authorized personnel only. 
  7. Electronic equipment control operators who view recorded electronic equipment footage must do so in the presence of a supervisor to maintain the integrity of that electronic equipment footage. 
  8. Electronic equipment control operators will be trained in the technical, legal and ethical parameters of appropriate electronic equipment use. Electronic equipment control operators will receive a copy of this policy and provide written acknowledgement that they have read and understood its contents. 
  9. Electronic equipment control operators will NOT view private rooms or areas through windows. 

VII. Exceptions 

This policy does not apply to any legitimate law enforcement purpose. As noted above, uses beyond those described in this electronic equipment policy shall be governed by applicable University policies and laws.

Policy Level
Approval Date
Effective Date
Last Reviewed
Responsible Unit
Unit Head
Ross Owens