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UIS Campus Systems Test - Nov. 16

Campus Community,

The UIS Police Department will be conducting a brief lockdown test of the swipe card door access system from 8:45am until approximately 9:00am on Thursday, November 16.  We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.  This test will not include any testing of the audible notification systems.  If you have any additional considerations that may require access to swipe card doors during these times, please contact our department in advance via e-mail or phone.

News Categories

UIS Police Training on Active Shooter Response - 10/5/23

The UIS Police Department presents training classes on ways to minimize your risk during an active shooter / active threat incident. The next class will be on Thursday, October 5th, at 10:00am in Brookens Auditorium. The class will be approximately 1 hour in length. These classes will help you prepare for an active shooter incident and provide a forum to ask questions so you may become better educated on the actions that you can take to stay safe during this type of critical incident.

News Categories

UIS Police Training on Active Shooter Response

The UIS Police Department presents training classes on ways to minimize your risk during an active shooter / active threat incident. The next class will be on Thursday, October 5th, at 10:00am in Brookens Auditorium. The class will be approximately 1 hour in length. These classes will help you prepare for an active shooter incident and provide a forum to ask questions so you may become better educated on the actions that you can take to stay safe during this type of critical incident.