2024 Psychology Award Winners
- In May 2024, the College of Health, Science and Technology conferred awards to graduating seniors for their outstanding contributions to CHST departments. The department faculty selected the awards that would be given to the students. In the Psychology Department, the following awards were given to our graduating seniors:

Romina Trujillo Agostini was selected as Psychology Department Student Marshal. The Psychology Graduation Marshal leads students in the processional for graduation and epitomizes the values and goals of the department. Romina is from Valencia, Venezuela and has been working with Dr. Hypatia Bolívar on research on stigma associated with gambling behavior and contingency management measures. She entered the Human Development Counseling master’s degree program at UIS in fall 2024 and would eventually like to pursue a Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology.

Sarah (SJ) Pike received an award for Outstanding Research. Sarah’s interests in psychology include childhood trauma, neuropsychology, and geropsychology. She is planning on attending graduate school after taking a gap year. Sarah has been working with Dr. Michele Miller on a study examining the association of adverse childhood experiences and attachment on the friendship patterns of young adults. She presented her findings at the UIS Student Technology, Arts, and Research Symposium and Midwestern Psychological Association annual conference.

Mackenzie Crossland received an award for Outstanding Scholar. Mackenzie is interested in clinical child psychology. She plans to gain relevant work experience in her desired field before applying to Ph.D. programs in Clinical Psychology with a specialization in Child Psychology. Mackenzie was on the Dean's list throughout her time at UIS, which allowed her to receive the UIS AIM High scholarship every semester. She completed an internship at the Hope Autism Clinic and is now employed there as a part-time behavior technician.
Congratulations to Romina, Sarah, and Mackenzie!