The School of Politics and International Affairs offers students the opportunity to experience a comprehensive curriculum and internship experience, setting you up for future success in international affairs, public policy, practical politics or academia.

Students have the opportunity to study American and international politics, constitutional theory, and political philosophy--learning from nationally and internationally recognized faculty. Interdisciplinary opportunities allow undergraduate students to double major or participate in an international study-away program. Masters-level students in Political Science can complete the degree online from anywhere in the world.

Online & Campus-Based Degree Programs


School of Politics and International Affairs

Political Science, M.A.

Online Option Available
Graduate studies tailored to your needs with expertise in State/National Politics, Comparative Politics and International Relations, Political Theory, and Law.


School of Politics and International Affairs

International and Global Studies, B.A.

Broaden your skillset and explore global issues from a multi-disciplinary perspective.


School of Politics and International Affairs

Political Science, B.A.

Online Option Available
The academic and real-world experience you need for a career in politics. An accelerated B.A./M.A. program is available to complete both programs in a shortened time period.


School of Politics and International Affairs

Public Policy, B.A.

The skills and training needed for creating, implementing and evaluating public policy.


School of Politics and International Affairs

International and Global Studies Minor

Go outside your selected major and explore issues from a global perspective.


School of Politics and International Affairs

Political Science Minor

Go outside your selected major and broaden your skill set in the field of political science.

Student Experiences

UIS Students participating in Model United Nations

Award-Winning Programs

Students from the University of Illinois Springfield have won awards through their leadership in the Model Illinois Government (MIG) program. UIS Students learn the inner workings of Illinois government by participating first hand in a simulated legislative process.

The Model United Nations Club (MUN) gives students interested in international politics the ability to participate in a simulation of the United Nations General Assembly while earning course credit.

UIS Students on the floor of the Illinois House of Representatives

Working in State Government

Opportunities for experiential learning are available to both undergraduate and graduates on the local, state, and federal level, as well as internationally.

Graduate students participating in the Illinois Legislative Staff Intern Program (ILSIP) have helped shape public policy in Illinois for over 60 years.

Teaching internships are also available for graduate students.

Students in the study away program in Ghana

International Study Opportunities

The School for Politics and International Affairs prides itself in offering students the opportunity to incorporate an international learning experience into its degree programs.

Students in our programs have had the opportunity to travel internationally, to study internationally (in person or online) and to participate in an international internship (in person or online).

Learn more about our Study Away Programs at UIS.

Our Faculty

The UIS School of Politics and International Affairs hosts an incredible faculty that has achieved national and international recognition. Check out our SPIA Podcast series to learn more about our faculty and their areas of expertise.

Support the School of Politics & International Affairs

Your gift helps build and sustain resources for the success of students in the School of Politics and International Affairs at UIS. This support advances the availability of research funds, class projects, experiential learning opportunities and professional development.


Say #YestoUIS
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