Fall 2022 ECCE Proposal Deadline

ECCE Speaker Series is accepting event proposals for the Fall 2022 semester for both live events and asynchronous events that will be pre-recorded on Zoom.   

The deadline for Fall 2022 event proposals is Monday, April 25, 2022 at 5PM Central Time. 

For information about the proposal process, including the Fall  2022 proposal form and detailed proposal instructions, please visit https://www.uis.edu/speakerseries/propose/

Presentation by a candidate for Interim Dean, College of Health, Science & Technology

Members of the UIS community are invited to a virtual presentation by Mark Anderson, candidate for the position of Interim Dean, College of Health, Science, & Technology (CHST), on April 7 at 9:30 am. A link to a confidential feedback survey will be provided at the conclusion of the presentation.

The candidate’s CV and a copy of the job description are attached.