2024 Faculty & Staff Campaign Kick Off Celebration

Mark your calendar for Thursday, February 29! We'll be celebrating this year's Faculty & Staff Campaign kick off celebration on Leap Day. Faculty and staff can enjoy a whirlwind of goodies, a mouthwatering free lunch and the chance to learn about different areas on campus they can support. It's all happening in the Student Union ballroom from noon to 1:15 p.m. You don't want to miss it!

OER Grant Opportunity for Instructors

Join Emily Boles and Pattie Piotrowski, Dean of the Library, to learn about Open Educational Resource grant opportunity through the Illinois State Library and brainstorm proposal ideas.

OER are teaching, learning, and research materials intentionally created and licensed to be free for the end user to own, share, and in most cases, modify. They enable faculty to customize course materials and reduce student costs.

Learn more about the State Library OER grant.

Technology Tips and Tricks Speed Meet

Does it feel like technology is constantly changing and there is always something new to learn? That's because it is! Finding the time to learn new tools—or learn old tools that we never got around to learning—can be a challenge. That's where our Technology Tips and Tricks Speed Meet can help! Every 15 minutes, we'll introduce/review a different technology that can help you save time, communicate better, collaborate easier, and improve efficiency.

CSAC Meeting - February 7, 2024

The next Civil Service Advisory Council meeting will be held on February 7, 2024, in SLB 104 (Student Life Building) at 10:00 am. All civil service employees are welcome to attend in person but may also watch the meeting via Zoom.

Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to any CSAC member.

Thank you,

Aaron Stewart

Facilities Business Manager

CSAC President


Equitable Futures Conference

Envisioning an Equitable Future: UIS and Beyond

This event is called "Envisioning an Equitable Future: UIS and Beyond" and will run from 9 am-3 pm on Friday, April 26 in the Lincoln Residence Hall (LRH) Great Room. Full-day attendance is welcome but not required. Morning and afternoon coffee/tea will be provided as well as lunch for registered attendees. All members of the UIS community (students, staff, faculty, and administrators) are encouraged to attend this campus-wide conference centering our collective efforts toward an equitable future.