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Fire Alarm Inspection

Facilities and Services will oversee the inspection of fire alarm systems during the week of July 3rd.

This is primarily a visual inspection, but there will be brief, intermittent activations of alarm horns and strobe lights as part of inspection procedures.

Elevators will be included in the alarm inspection. Signage will be posted when an elevator is taken out of service. Every effort will be made to ensure an operational elevator is available in buildings with multiple elevators as well as to return an elevator to service as quickly as possible.

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VPA Rooftop Work

A contractor will be on site with a crane to safely remove the old rooftop unit on VPA and install a new one. Please be advised that the affected area is located on the northwest side of the building, over rooms 3 and 5, as well as the adjoining hallway.

We kindly request that you avoid this area as much as possible during the specified timeframe, for your own safety and the safety of others. We appreciate your cooperation and understanding during this necessary maintenance operation.

Restroom Outage - Public Affairs Center (PAC) Tower 3

Dear students, faculty, and staff,

We want to inform you that the restrooms in Tower 3, including all floors, are currently out of service due to a critical plumbing repair. We estimate that this repair will take a few days to complete. 

In the meantime, please utilize the restroom facilities located in Towers 1 and 2. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause, and we thank you for your patience and understanding during this time. 

Thank you. 

Facilities and Services 

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Elevator Outage in UHB

Dear Faculty and Staff:

The UHB elevator near the women’s restroom is out of service for the immediate future. Parts have been ordered to complete the repairs needed to return the elevator to service. Unfortunately, the supplier is not able to give us a firm delivery date yet for those parts. Once we know more, we will share an update.

Please use the 2nd elevator around the corner in the interim.

Thank you for your patience and understanding.

Facilities and Services 

Business Services Building (BSB) 33 

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PAC Plumbing Repairs: Tower 3 Restrooms Closed

Critical plumbing repairs will be made in the Public Affairs Center (PAC) Tower 3 on Wednesday, March 15, from 6am to 10am.  

These repairs do require that we close Tower 3 restrooms on all floors (1-5). Signs will be posted on the closed restrooms. Alternate restrooms can be found in Tower 1 and Tower 2.  

Please don't hesitate to contact F&S with any questions or concerns about this effort.  

Thank you,