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Informational Interviewing for Graduate School

Because there are so many factors involved in choosing a graduate school, you might want to consider conducting an informational interview at the schools you are considering, apart from the required interview.

After conducting an informational interview, you will be free of the stress and pressure you might feel at the admission interview, so you can focus on asking more specific questions to narrow down your search.


"S" from the GOALS logo

In academic settings many students have become accustomed to having mentors available to them. Not only are there mentors in the academic setting, but they are also in the career world.

CareerConnect Services Agreement

CareerConnect Services Agreement

Terms of Use

The UIS CareerConnect/NACElink Network (UISN)* at the University of Illinois Springfield provides career management tools and resources to market and facilitate experiential and career opportunities connecting students and alumni with employers. The UISN is part of the NACElink Network, owned and operated by the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE).