Instructional Support

The Center for Online Learning, Research, and Service (COLRS) supports UIS faculty, instructors, teaching assistants, and staff. We offer individual or small group (departmental) sessions on teaching and instructional technology across the spectrum of learning modalities -- online, blended, remote, and synchronous.


Connecting with COLRS Staff

Having problems? Feeling stuck? Planning for future semesters? COLRS staff are here to assist you! Our staff provide support for online, blended, and technology-enhanced teaching, as well as faculty support for Canvas, and more.

Email + Telephone Support

We are here to support UIS instructors! Call 217-206-7317 or email us for help with teaching strategies, technologies, and accessibility.

Research Consultation

COLRS provides leadership for research on online and blended learning at UIS. It joins faculty and community members from across the institution and the nation in the collaborative pursuit of research which furthers knowledge in the field and improves the quality of online education.

Specific goals include:

UIS Online

For over 20 years, UIS has been a leader in Online Education. More than 50 programs at UIS are taught entirely online. Learn more about our online programs through our hallmarks and our online education fact book.

Teaching Resources

The Center for Online Learning, Research and Service (COLRS) provides support in the areas of faculty developmentinstructional design, and learning theory as it relates to the use and exploration of technologies to enhance online learning.


From pedagogies, course design, and teaching strategies to producing light board and green screen videos, step-by-step help in Canvas, or brainstorming technologies to support an assignment, COLRS is here to serve and support you! Our staff is happy to meet with you in our space, your office, or virtually.

Instructional Tools

When constructing and expanding an online course, the technologies that faculty can incorporate provide endless learning possibilities for students and creative course design opportunities for faculty. COLRS provides tools to help you evaluate and enhance your online course design including Cidilabs DesignPlus and the UIS Online Course Quality Assurance Rubric. In addition, COLRS supports technologies that enhance or support your online course, including Harmonize, Respondus Monitor, and Turnitin.


Meet Our Staff

Michele Gribbins, Ed.D.


Dr. Gribbins joined COLRS in 2012 after teaching for seven years as a faculty member for the Department of Management Information Systems at UIS. She became the Director of COLRS in 2019.