Join Your Civil Service Advisory Council (CSAC): Nomination Forms Available for Election

All status (non-probationary) Civil Service employees are invited to submit online nomination forms for this year's Civil Service Advisory Council (CSAC) election.

Eight positions will be filled this year, each for a two year term. Nomination forms must be received by midnight, June 14, in order to be considered. Self-Nominations are allowed and welcomed.

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CSAC Meeting - February 7, 2024

The next Civil Service Advisory Council meeting will be held on February 7, 2024, in SLB 104 (Student Life Building) at 10:00 am. All civil service employees are welcome to attend in person but may also watch the meeting via Zoom.

Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to any CSAC member.

Thank you,

Aaron Stewart

Facilities Business Manager

CSAC President