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Message from the Chancellor: UIS Update 10.31.22


Good morning, colleagues:

The final day of October is here — it’s been a “treat” to see all of the fall-themed activities occurring on campus this past month! The Chancellor’s Office staff enjoyed participating in the Trunk or Treat event with the Cox Children’s Center children last Friday, and several of our students were out and about in the community yesterday collecting nearly 8,000 pounds of canned goods for the annual Trick or Treat for Canned Goods philanthropy. What a great way to combine service with the season!

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Message from the Chancellor: UIS Provost Transition


Dear Students, Faculty and Staff —

Provost Dennis Papini has shared with me his decision to step down from his role as Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs and Provost. I will be working to secure an interim provost, and once that appointment has been made, Dr. Papini will begin serving our university as a faculty member in the Department of Psychology in the College of Health, Science and Technology. 

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Message from the Chancellor: CBM Town Hall Canceled


Dear Colleagues—

After much thought and consideration, the town hall scheduled for Wednesday morning to address the College of Business & Management climate study has been canceled. Our next steps will be to seek support from the University of Illinois System to determine another resource to assess the themes of concern in the college and develop an action plan.

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Message from the Chancellor: UIS Update


Hello, UIS employees— 

I’ve been enjoying seeing everyone on campus and getting to know our students. Now that the U of I State Tour has ended, I am looking forward to spending more time at events and gatherings – the excitement is palpable as we continue to enjoy a renewed sense of togetherness. Hopefully, this translates to high levels of engagement from students in your classes, activities and in your work spaces. After all, we’re all here for them — to ensure they have the best student experience possible.  

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