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"The Current State of AI" keynote with UIS alum Doug Hamilton

WHAT: The University of Illinois Springfield and Innovate Springfield will host Doug Hamilton, head of artificial intelligence (AI) research at Nasdaq and a UIS alum, for a keynote speech on “The Current State of AI.” His speech will be followed by a panel discussion on the topic with UIS and outside experts.

WHEN: 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., Thursday, April 13, 2023

WHERE: UIS Student Union Ballroom, 2251 Richard Wright Dr., Springfield

Professor Bołtuć on Beyond Industry 4.0

Professor Piotr (Peter) Bołtuć recently gave a presentation at the 2022 Annual International Conference on Brain-Inspired Cognitive Architectures for Artificial Intelligence (BICA*AI 2022), held at Guadalajara, Mexico, September 22-25. In his presentation ‘Beyond Industry 4.0, but not too far,’ Professor Bołtuć discussed an emerging and novel category that goes beyond the 4th Revolution of Luciano Floridi and others. In addition, he chaired a discussion panel with Stephen Thaler, M.

Leavaging mathematical modeling and deep learning to predict the spread of COVID-19

Congratulations to Professor Liang Kong–his joint proposal with Professor Yanhui Guo (UIS CSC) has been awarded a $30,000 grant from SHIELD Illinois! 

The team proposes to study and improve forecasting pandemic infections at the community level in Illinois using advanced mathematical modeling and deep learning that take into account the complexity of human mobility and interactions. 

Summer Is Fun!

Summer is a time to relax, have fun, and it is also a time for learning math! During this summer, in addition to our usual summer (online) courses, MAT offers several exciting learning opportunities: