ITS Summer Workshop Series: Working with Data in Excel

Spend your summer with ITS! We'll be hosting weekly 30-minute workshops on a variety of topics. There is something for everyone!

There is no need to register. Join us in person in UHB 2028 or via Zoom

Working with Data in Excel | July 11 from 11-11:30 a.m.

Excel is a powerful tool for organizing, managing, and analyzing data. In this session we'll explore Excel's sorting and filtering tools - including creating a custom sort and filtering text, dates, and number fields.

ITS Summer Workshop Series: Outlook Polls

Spend your summer with ITS! We'll be hosting weekly 30-minute workshops on a variety of topics. There is something for everyone!

There is no need to register. Join us in person in UHB 2028 or via Zoom

Outlook Polls | June 27 from 10-10:30 a.m.

Scheduling meetings has never been easier! Outlook polls integrate with the calendar so meeting organizers can offer options when attendees are available and attendees can easily select times that work for them.

Employee Development Series: Building a Positive Workplace Through Customer Service Values

We are excited to announce the next installment of our Employee Development Series: Building a Positive Workplace Through Customer Service Values. Right now, too many higher education institutions do not reflect positive and proactive workplace cultures and values. This has a direct impact on the customer service experience of our student, faculty, and staff as well as our broader community.

Summer Virtual Office Hours: A. I. at Public Liberal Arts Colleges & Universities

Join faculty colleagues from sister COPLAC schools for discussions on generative AI in the curriculum and classroom!

Collaborating across four COPLAC institutions, we're embarking on a year-long journey to explore generative AI's impact on and potential to enhance student learning. We're launching with monthly summer office hours and transitioning to monthly gatherings in the fall to collaboratively develop AI-informed assignments using a charrette process.

UIS Blood Drive

In conjunction with our Health Fair on Wednesday, April 24th, the UIS Blood Drive will take place in the TRAC arena from 12:30 to 3:30 p.m.

Jordan Killen, M.S., ACSM-EP
Assistant Director of Fitness and Wellness
University of Illinois Springfield
One University Plaza, MS REC 1008
Springfield, IL 62703