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Nick Marquez
Graduate Assistant
Benefits Navigator
University of Illinois Springfield
One University Plaza, MS FRH 178
Springfield, IL 62703-5407
Office: (217) 206-8211
Fax:      (217) 206-6048

The Campus Behavioral Intervention Team (CBIT)

CBIT Mission Statement 

The Campus Behavioral Intervention Team (CBIT) is a multi-departmental team which coordinates developmental early interventions to support individual student success and promote the safety and welfare of the overall campus community at the University of Illinois Springfield. 

Illinois enacted The Higher Education Housing and Opportunities Act (Illinois’ Public Act 102-0083) on August 1, 2022.  This act requires all colleges and universities in Illinois to have a HOUSE Liaison. HOUSE stands for Housing and Opportunities that are Useful for Students’ Excellence.  The HOUSE liaison provides support for students experiencing homelessness.

Whether you are a brand new parent or have been at it for a while — whether you are a long-time Springfield resident or are new to the area — we know that having access to resources is invaluable. Below please find links to various area agencies and organizations who are committed to offering assistance to families.

Connecting with the community and with other parents can often be a big help in managing the “parent” side of your life as a student-parent. You probably have lots of questions, we’ll try to answer a few …

Student-Parents at UIS – About

Many college students today are what used to be considered “nontraditional”: working adults who often have family care responsibilities. Research shows that 26 percent of undergraduate college students have children. To substantially improve the rates of postsecondary credential attainment, which is crucial to increasing access to good jobs, colleges must recognize the need for supports and tailor them to college students with children.