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Annual Evaluations Survey

Annual Evaluation season has officially wrapped up for 2022! We would like to thank everyone for participating and for your patience as we rolled out the new electronic evaluation form. This system was an overall success, but we would like to hear from you to see how we can do better. Please take a few moments to fill out this survey to tell us how you think the electronic form can be improved for next year.

News Categories

Time Reporting

Vacation & Sick Leave (VSL) applications are used to manage University leave benefits for academic and exempt civil service employees. The primary functions are tracking the request/approval process and maintaining vacation and sick leave balance information.

Hire a Student

Hiring Procedures / How to Post a Student Employment Job 

All departments wishing to hire student employees will need to register with CareerConnect powered by Handshake to post your position. 

Positions must be posted for a minimum of 3 days and a minimum of 3 candidates should be interviewed before the position can be filled. This allows everyone an equal opportunity to apply for positions. CareerConnect will collect all resumes for student positions. 

Employment Verification

Online Employment Verification System

Are you applying for a mortgage or looking to rent a new apartment? Your lender or housing manager may access your University of Illinois employment verification information using the University of Illinois online Employment Verification System.

Extra Help

Extra Help positions are governed by the State Universities Civil Service System (SUCSS). Extra Help information is provided by the SUCSS office, and can be found on their website.

Extra Help positions are temporary positions in which the work is intermittent, casual or emergent in nature. These positions can be requested by the department submitting a job description and position request form to Human Resources

Retirement & Recognition Program

2023 Retirement and Recognition Ceremony

Length of service awards acknowledge full time service to the University of Illinois Springfield beginning at five years of service, in five year increments. UIS hosts a program each spring to honor retirees and to recognize faculty and staff with service awards. Employees with ten years of service and up are presented with pins and gifts at the event.

Terminal Vacation & Benefits

In the past, some departments allowed terminating employees to extend their date of termination to some point beyond their actual last day of employment by utilizing vacation leave benefits. This was done so that the employee could remain a University employee and could, therefore, continue to receive State of Illinois benefits. It is not an acceptable HR or business practice to retain as active employees with the University any persons who are no longer providing services to the University.