Case Briefs

Students are given a legal case or topic from which to search for cases and decisions. Students then prepare a written brief of that case. The student may also share that brief with the rest of the class in some way.

Appropriate Content Areas

Law. Could be modified to brief any documents fitting a specific protocol


Copyright for Educators


Participants gather over a common goal and find solutions. Group synergy allows for new ideas to be dynamically constructed and recapitulated. Brainstorming is generally conducted in a synchronous session so that ideas can quickly develop; however, it can also be done asynchronously allowing for participants to consider options over time.


Blogging is essentially a student monologue presented in text with a subscription potential and usually a comments feature for peer review. It is generally used for news releases and personal journals.

Appropriate Content Areas

Especially useful in journalism and advertising, but helpful in any field in which current events can be analyzed, evaluated, and paraphrased by students.

Article Critiques

Students are provided a list of journal articles to read. Each student is assigned an article to critique. Students then report on that article to the course and comment on other students’ critiques. These comments can be in an online discussion forum, synchronous discussion, wiki, blog, or other presentation method.

Appropriate Content Areas

Generally used in advanced courses using primary research articles.

Online Instructional Activities Index

Online Instructional Activities Index


Quality Online Course Initiative (QOCI) Rubric

ION Professional eLearning Program and partner Illinois community colleges initially developed the Quality Online Course Initiative (QOCI) rubric and evaluation system in 1998. The rubric was updated in 2018 to reflect the research and best practices in online learning, as well as the changed technologies and practices in creating accessible courses.  The goal of this project remains: To help colleges and universities to improve accountability of their online courses.

The main objectives of this project were to:


ION Professional eLearning Program is administered by Continuing and Professional Education and the Center for Online Learning, Research, and Service at the University of Illinois Springfield.


ION Professional eLearning Program is partially funded by the University of Illinois Springfield to provide professional development in the area of online teaching and learning to faculty at partner community colleges in Illinois, the three campuses of the University of Illinois, and around the world.

Art ProjectsArticle CritiquesAudio Recordings