Research Ethics Training at UIS

The ethical conduct of research is critical to modern society.  Unfortunately, there are examples of unethical practices by professionals and students.  The purpose of our program is to educate our students on the various aspects of responsible research.

Research involving human subjects is regulated by federal laws and NIH and NSF grant recipients are required to have a research ethics training program in place.

Besides legal aspects, research ethics training helps students meet our ECCE learning outcomes (“Recognizing the social responsibility of the individual within a larger community.” And “Engaging in informed, rational, and ethical decision-making and action.”)

Questions about this program may be addressed to the UIS RCR Officer, Dr. Lucía Vazquez (, 206-8112).  Additional resources are available from the National Academy of Sciences. There is a good interactive online resource called “The Lab” available on the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services website. Faculty may have their summer researchers work through “The Lab” outside of class, taking the part of two different characters. Then, reconvene and discuss the implications of their choices with the four different characters.

Research Ethics Training in the Social Sciences

1. Introduction to the UIS IRB

Complete viewing the online lecture below (Introduction to the IRB slides PDF).

2. The required online training for Human Subjects Research through the Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI) (UIUC subscription) fulfills part of the research ethics training in social sciences.

3. Departments may have additional requirements.

Research Ethics Training in the Natural Sciences

1. Overview (3 hours)

CHE/BIO 301 General Seminar or CLS 321 Seminar

Introduces the idea of ethics in the profession.  Goes beyond the UIS Academic Integrity Policy

Group discussion

Reading and writing on Scientific Ethics

Turn in student essays for faculty evaluation

2. Online Training (5 hours)

Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI) (through UIUC subscription)

Select the following 10 topics from the Physical Science Responsible Conduct of Research Course 1. – RCR:

  • Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) Course Introduction
  • Research Misconduct
  • Data Management
  • Case Study – Data Management
  • Authorship
  • Peer Review
  • Conflicts of Interest
  • Collaborative Research
  • Collaboration Between Academics
  • Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) Course Conclusion

Students print certificates, submit to

3. Discussion (1 hr)

Meet with research faculty mentor in BIO 302, CHE 302, or CLS 400

Reflection on lessons learned

Student participants sign log sheet, kept in Research and Sponsored Programs office

Research Integrity Violations

If you suspect that someone associated with UIS is violating the research integrity policy, please contact the Research Integrity Officer, Dr. Lucía Vazquez, (217-206-8112;

You can also report suspected violations anonymously through the University of Illinois EthicsLine, 1-866-758-2146.