ALL investigators, students, and research staff conducting human subjects research must complete CORE IRB training and education requirements prior to submitting a Human Subjects Research Application to the Institutional Review Board (IRB). Continuing education training is required every 3 years thereafter.  Research will not be approved until the training requirements are met and documented by Office of Research and Sponsored Programs.

Core and supplemental training for UIS researchers are completed through the Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI) program.

When you have successfully completed courses with a score of 80% or higher per module, download a Completion Report and send/email a copy to the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs.

  1. Register (first-time users)
    In the upper right corner, click on the “Register” button, which will take you to the “CITI – Learner Registration.”  The first question is “Select Your Organization Affiliation” – enter the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign as the subscriber organization.  Follow the instructions to complete the registration.  Once the registration is complete, secure your login and password information. You will need to keep this information for future use.
  2. Select courses – Core IRB Training is Required
    Once logged onto the CITI Program training site, select “View Courses“. On the next page, select “Learner Tools“, then “Add a Course“. On the next page, the answer to Question 1 is Core IRB Training. A quiz appears at the end of each CITI module. UIS Research Policy requires you to receive a minimum “passing” score of 80% for each module quiz.  You may review the training information and repeat a quiz to achieve the minimum 80% correct score.
  3. Choose Additional Human Subjects Research Training
    Questions 2-10 on the CITI Program training site allow you to add modules and/or webinars related to your specific research. These are optional, but may be required for some protocol submissions. Modules related to Social and Behavioral Sciences will have “– SBR” following the title of the module. Below is a list of additional courses.
  1. Assessing Risk in Social and Behavioral Sciences – SBR
  2. Research with Protected Populations – Vulnerable Subjects: An Overview
  3. Privacy and Confidentiality - SBR
  4. Research in Public Elementary and Secondary Schools
  5. Informed Consent – SBR
  6. Internet Research – SBR
  7. Social and Behavioral Responsible Conduct of Research Course – SBR
  8. Research with Children – SBR
  9. Defining Research with Human Subjects
  10. Students in Research - SBR
  11. International Research - SBR
  12. Research with Prisoners - SBR