Proposal Submission

  • All externally funded proposals must be internally reviewed and approved by the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs (ORSP), and submitted to sponsored by an Authorized Organizational Representative. Please provide all sponsor required documents to ORSP via the START myProposals portal.
  • For further information, see the Electronic Research Administration tab.
  • The lifecycle of the award can be viewed in the START myResearch portal.

Subcontract Under a Sponsored Agreement

Under certain circumstances, subcontracts and consultant agreements can be processed through the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs.

Sponsored Agreements funded by the United States government or other sponsors may include a named subcontractor for the provision of specific professional or artistic services, including consulting services.

Procurement of such services does not require the same documentation as other purchasing procedures if the subcontractor is specifically named in the original grant proposal or award, or if the sponsor provides other written approval of the specifically named contractor.

Any subcontract of a project effort under a grant or contract funded by the United States government or other sponsors is handled by the ORSPAgreements for such effort must be bilateral and include provisions as required by the University and the sponsor’s award document.

Memorandums of Understanding (MOU) (awards < $5,000) and Subaward Contracts (awards > $5,000) meeting the above criteria can be initiated by clicking on the links below.

Information Needed for Grant Preparation & Submission

1. Rates (F & A)


  • 41.2% – Modified Total Direct Costs (MTDC)  On-Campus
  • 17.8% – Modified Total Direct Costs (MTDC)  Off-Campus

FY19-FY23 Federally Negotiated Indirect Cost Rate Agreement

FY19-FY22 F&A Rates University of Illinois OBFS Webpage

FY24-FY27 Federally Negotiated Indirect Cost Rate Agreement

The Facilities and Administrative Costs Rates for FY-24-26 are:

UNIL FY24-27 FA Agreement Signed.pdf

Fringe Benefit Rates – FY23

40.81% for UIS faculty and staff, broken down as follows:

  • 25.24% Health/Life/Dental Insurance
  • 12.83% SURS
  • 1.28% Termination Sick & Vacation Leave
  • 1.45% Medicare
  • 0.01% Workers' Compensation

Non-student employees not covered by SURS – 7.66%

Indirect Cost Rates (ICR) – FY23

  1. Campus Administration: 2.05%
  2. Unit & Project Director: 30.70%
  3. Educational Technology: 2.05%
  4. VCAA - Admin & Research Support: 14.90%
  5. Research Board: 3.10%
  6. Library: 4.80%
  7. OBFS Accounting: 5.90%
  8. Facilities & Services: 36.50%
  9. Indirect Cost Rates for FY23: 100%

Federal and State AlphaNumeric Information

  • DUNS Number: 95-808-1929 (void on 04/04/2022, replaced by UEI below)
    • SAM Cage Code: 3XKK9, expiration date 09/30/2022
    • Unique Entity ID (UEI): M6X1K9AU6HM5 (replaces DUNS 95-808-1929 on 04/04/2022)
  • DUNS Number for State of Illinois Grants: 96-593-2734 (void on 04/04/2022, replaced by UEI below)
    • SAM Cage Code: 1QB47, expiration date 09/30/2022
    • Unique Entity ID (UEI): LMKAF2LNJGP6 (replaces DUNS 96-593-2734 on 04/04/2022)
  • F.E.I.N. (federal tax ID): 37-6000511
  • T.I.N. (state tax ID): 100067601
  • U.S. Congressional District: IL-013
  • Illinois Senate District: 50
  • Illinois State Representative District: 99

Other Rates and Important Numbers

  • Graduate Assistant Rate (20 hrs per week during the academic year):
    • First-year students: $1, 108.76/month (9 months – Sept. through May)
    • Second-year students: $1,168.76/month (9 months – Sept. through May)
    • Tuition and fees, and fringe costs may also be included
  • Student worker hourly rates are on the Financial Assistance webpage.
  • Travel Rates
  • Tuition Rates
  • Supplies and Commodities (UIS Central Stores)

2. Course Buyouts

A Course Buyout is when grant funds “buy” a faculty member’s released time by paying for a portion of their salary so that the equivalent amount of effort (%) can be spent working on the funded project.

A “Buyout” situation applies when a faculty member is granted a course release in order to accommodate a faculty member’s work on an externally funded project.  The corresponding percentage of the faculty’s appointment is directly charged (accounted for) to the grant account (budget) during the term of the buyout.

UIS Course Buyout Request Form 2021-2022 (pdf)

The UIS Course Buyout Request Form Template above, must be filled-out with all appropriate signatures when a portion of a faculty member’s salary is being financed or subsidized through grant funding.


A faculty member may elect to “buy out” of teaching (often referred to as “course release”) to work on a sponsored project, at a rate equal to 1/8th of nine-month Institutional Base Salary (IBS)* for each course released.

Institutional Base Salary (IBS): is the annual compensation the university pays for activities performed (including, as applicable, research, teaching, and clinical practice) as part of an employee’s university appointment(s), specifically, INCLUDING: Regular Salary, Endowed Chair or professorship stipends; and Paid Professional leave (pay for sabbatical, vacation, and sick leave- not including sick leave pay payouts when departing from the university); EXCLUDING: Administrative stipends; Summer salary for non-12-month appointees; Service in excess payments; Royalties paid by the university; Reimbursements; and Any compensation of external professional activities, such as consulting or compensated peer review activities. 

NOTE: The National Institutes of Health (NIH) sets an annual salary cap to limit the Institutional Base Salary (IBS) used to calculate salary and fringe benefits costs for an NIH application budget. Effective January 3, 2021, the annual salary cap is $199,300. If a faculty member’s actual annualized base salary exceeds this amount, then the salary cap of $199,300 must be used as the annual base for salary and fringe benefit cost calculations in the application budget¹

The National Science Foundation (NSF) require that salary requests in grant budgets be expressed as months. No more than 2 months’ of regular salary may be requested for any senior personnel in any one year. The limit of two months’ salary includes compensation received from all NSF-funded grants²


  1. What if my sponsored research extends to more than a single semester or I want to participate in a course buyout for multiple terms?
    That is fine. We simply ask that a new form be completed for each term of the buyout.
  1. When does the 1/9th rate apply for a summer course buyout?
    The 1/9th rate only applies for a 12-month faculty member appointment.
  1. Can faculty still do an overload of coursework?
    It is the responsibility of the Dean to decide if faculty can still apply for an overload of coursework. Our guidelines suggest that deans maintain balance and not overload faculty so that research can get done.

If your questions are not addressed on this page, please submit your question to

¹Notice on Salary Limitations on Grants, Cooperative Agreements, and Contracts

²Proposal Preparation Instructions