Download the current UIS IRB Human Subjects Research Application and fill it out on your computer. NOTE: Handwritten forms and typed signatures will be returned to you.

Indicate your faculty advisor, their contact information, and date of completion of their CITI Core IRB Training.

Attach the following (as applicable):

  • CITI Core IRB score reports for ALL research team members and supervisors.
  • Research Team Form (if other students or faculty are involved).
  • Script or text for recruiting volunteers.
  • Informed consent form for potential participants using the Informed Consent Document Template.
  • Survey instrument or interview questions.
  • Any required waiver requests or forms. See IRB Forms and Resources.
  • Permission from the facility where the research will be conducted, if it will be off-campus. This must be on letterhead, with the title of the signatory clearly stated with details of the facility’s involvement.
  • Permission to use standardized and/or copyrighted instruments, or proof that the instrument is freely available for use in research.

Carefully review all documents for completeness, spelling, and grammar. Sign the form, and secure the signature of your faculty advisor. Send the form and attachments to the Office of Research & Sponsored Programs.

Allow a minimum of two – four weeks for review and approval of exempt and expedited research protocols. Follow the posted deadlines for review and approval by the full IRB.

The Office of Research & Sponsored Programs reserves the right to return incomplete and poorly edited protocol packages to the researcher before initiating the review process.