Policy Information 

Policy Owner: Chancellor’s Division 
Responsible Official: Associate Chancellor for Strategic Communications 
Approved by: Chancellor 
Date Approved: May 28, 2024 
Effective Date: June 1, 2024 
Target Review Date: June 1, 2027 
Contact: Director of Media Strategy


This policy applies to students, faculty and staff who manage and use accounts on any social media for UIS units or departments, including but not limited to Facebook, “X”, Instagram, YouTube, LinkedIn, Snapchat, TikTok, or any other social media platform in existence or that may be developed. This policy does not apply to personal social media accounts or social media accounts for non-university organizations, such as registered student organizations or employee unions. Nothing in this policy is intended to interfere with faculty exercise of academic freedom in appropriate forums. 


Social media is a powerful tool for communicating UIS’ message and engaging with audiences on behalf of departments and units. Audiences could include alumni, current students and families, prospective students and families, current colleagues and professional peers. In many cases, a social media site may be the first place someone learns about UIS. Departments and units are encouraged to use social media to contribute to or help elevate UIS’ brand and reputation, provide information about university/department/unit programs and activities, and encourage engagement. This policy establishes the rules and provides guidance on best practices for creating, posting, moderating and managing social media accounts on behalf of UIS. 

Statement of Policy 

The UIS Office of Media Strategy has oversight authority over all university social media accounts, including department and unit accounts. The creation of new or maintenance of department or unit social media accounts is subject to approval by the UIS Office of Media Strategy. All posts (including any content or media contained in posts) made by UIS department and unit social media accounts belong to UIS. Department and unit social media accounts must be used only to speak on behalf of UIS and must not be used for personal purposes. Departments or individuals should not use university social media accounts to disseminate statements that are not directly tied to the unit’s core administrative, academic research or teaching activities. Social media should be used to engage audiences in a manner that protects the brand and good reputation of UIS. Social media must only post content that is truthful and best represents UIS. UIS Media Strategy retains complete discretion over whether to grant or deny approval for new social media accounts, to allow existing social media accounts to continue, and to create, modify or delete any posts on UIS social media accounts. 

Procedures & Guidelines 

  1. Creating New UIS Social Media Accounts 
    Department and unit representatives start the process of launching a new social media account by filling out the appropriate form. The requesting department or unit must provide the following: 
    • An explanation of why they want to create the account, their target audiences and provide ideas about content they plan to post on the account; 
    • Documentation confirming that the relevant department or unit leader has approved the launch of a new social media account; 
    • The names of a minimum of two faculty/staff/students who will act as social media managers for the new social media account ; 
    • Agreement to follow all UIS brand standards, especially those related to logos and marks, brand graphics, and naming
    • Agreement to follow best practices;  
    • Acknowledgment that administrative access to all social media accounts must be shared with the Office of Media Strategy. 
  2. Maintaining UIS Social Media Accounts 
    Departments and units represent UIS when posting on department and unit social media accounts. Social media managers should always be thoughtful and discerning when choosing what to post and engaging with the public on social media. Permission to operate a university social media account requires a commitment to advance the interests of UIS. Departments and units are required to adhere to the following to maintain their social media accounts: 
    • Post to each social account at least once per month. The Office of Media Strategy may shut down, suspend or assume control over social media account(s) that have not posted for greater than six months or are otherwise deemed by UIS to be insufficiently active. 
    • Actively monitor the social media accounts for comments/questions and respond in a timely manner, when appropriate. 
    • Maintain at least two social media managers on their social media accounts and keep the names current with the Office of Media Strategy (in a shared Box folder). 
    • Share administrative access to their social media accounts with the Office of Media Strategy. 
    • Follow UIS brand standards, especially those related to logos and marks, brand graphics, and naming. 
    • Use Media Strategy-approved department logos or university marks for their profile photos on their social media accounts. Approved logos, which meet UIS brand standards, are created by UIS Creative Services and are available to use free of charge. To request an approved department/unit logo or university mark for the social media account, email printing@uis.edu
    • Make sure content is accessible per state and federal requirements. 
    • Get approval from the department or unit leader prior to live-streaming content on social media accounts. Live-streamed content should not include copyrighted music (unless rights are obtained), foul language or other content violations listed above. 
    • Comply with the terms and conditions of the social media platform(s). 
    • Department and unit social media managers are prohibited from creating posts on UIS social media that: 
      • Are for personal purposes. 
      • Are not directly tied to the core administrative, academic research or teaching activities of the university, department, or unit. 
      • Disclose information that is proprietary, private or confidential by law, regulation or policy. 
      • Violate copyrights or trademarks. 
      • Contain discriminatory, hateful, obscene, defamatory, offensive, false, attacking, harassing or threatening language. 
      • Depict or incite violence. 
      • Target a person or group of people based on their race, nationality, gender, religion, sexual orientation, political beliefs or other legally protected categories. 
      • Promote or advocate illegal activity. 
      • Are commercial solicitations for non-university related causes (including asking for donations) without prior permission from UIS Media Strategy. 
      • Are commercial solicitations for businesses and organizations not affiliated with the University of Illinois except pursuant to an approved sponsorship agreement or in support of UI Foundation activities 
      • Otherwise violate university policy or values, or the terms and conditions of the social media platform. 
  3. Terminating UIS Social Media Accounts 

    Department or Unit Initiated Actions: 
    Department or unit leaders or social media managers who no longer wish to maintain and operate the department or unit social media account should notify Media Strategy as soon as possible. Social media accounts should not be permitted to go dormant without notice to Media Strategy. Media Strategy may choose to assume or assign control of the social media account. 

    Media Strategy Initiated Actions: 
    All department and unit social media accounts are the property of UIS. As the unit responsible for the UIS brand, UIS Media Strategy retains complete discretion over whether to assume control of, disable or delete any UIS social media posts. A decision to assume control of, modify, disable or delete any UIS social media posts will be in the sole discretion of Media Strategy. 

  4. Moderation Guidelines 
    UIS Media Strategy is responsible for publishing Moderation Guidelines for campus, departmental and unit use. 
  5. Policy Violations 
    Social media managers are responsible for what is written or posted on a department or unit’s social media account. In addition to Media Strategy assuming control of, modifying, disabling or deleting social media content, individual employees may be subject to discipline for violation of this or other relevant policies. 
  6. Additional Resources 
Policy Level
Approval Date
Effective Date
Responsible Unit
Associated Documents