The clinical education component of the Master of Athletic Training Program incorporates two types of courses that reoccur throughout the curriculum.

Clinical Integrated Proficiency Series

These courses, offered in the fall and spring semesters are designed to provide the student with a specified time to demonstrate proficiency in the skills commonly utilized in athletic training. Instructors for these courses will utilize resources to simulate real world situations. Those resources may include (but not be limited to): actual patients, standardized patients, simulation centers, unannounced simulations, audio &/or video recording, and guest evaluators. The content of these courses will coincide with the didactic courses occurring in the current semester and will include a review of material covered in previous semesters.

Practicum Series

These courses, offered every semester, allow the student to complete supervised clinical education experiences in settings coinciding with the didactic courses of the current semester.

Students may go to a variety of sites within a given semester but the focus of the sites will be similar and follow the following pattern:

Professional Year 1

  • ATH 519 – emergency care
    • possible settings: emergency medical services, hospital emergency department, fire departments
  • ATH 529 – collegiate/high school lower extremity
    • possible settings: Collegiate/high school medical facilities which frequently utilize therapeutic modalities and therapeutic rehabilitation, as interventions after injury
      • Collegiate/high school sports with higher frequency of lower extremity injuries (e.g, soccer, volleyball, basketball)
  • ATH 539 – collegiate/high school upper extremity
    • possible settings: Collegiate/high school medical facilities which frequently utilize therapeutic modalities and therapeutic rehabilitation, as interventions after injury
      • Collegiate/high school sports with higher frequency of upper extremity injuries (e.g, baseball, softball, tennis, volleyball)
  • Professional Year 2
    • ATH 549 – general medical
      • possible settings: non-orthopedic physician’s office, hospital, urgent care, health center
    • ATH 559 – equipment intensive
      • possible settings: collegiate, high school, or professional football, ice, hockey or men’s lacrosse team
    • ATH 569 – practice-intense semester
      • possible settings: The final semester of clinical rotations is designed to allow the student some flexibility in the final assignment. The student can choose to participate in a clinical rotation that reflects the desired future employment setting.

Additionally, the MATR will seek to provide students with exposure to special events such as:

  • wrestling tournaments
  • large venue events requiring advanced administrative planning (sports tournaments, health fair, community health outreach, etc.)
  • unique one time events (marathon, triathlon, Special Olympics, martial arts, etc.)
  • events highlighting a unique group of athletes (adolescent, mature, Paralympic, etc.)

Practicum Sites

High Schools

  • Lanphier
  • Maroa-Forsyth
  • Mt. Zion
  • Riverton
  • Rochester
  • Sacred Heart Griffin
  • Sprngfield Southeast
  • Taylorville
  • Westminster Academy (Atlanta, GA)


  • Augustana College
  • Blackburn College
  • Eastern Illinois
  • Lincoln Land Community College
  • University of Illinois Chicago
  • University of Illinois Springfield
  • University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
  • United Stats Military Academy at West Point
  • Virginia Military Institute

Clinics and Hospitals

  • HSHS St John's
  • Springfield Clinic