The study of chemistry can lead to rewarding experiences and careers. By completing a degree in chemistry at UIS, students learn not only the necessary facts but also get to use state of the art equipment through the courses they take.
Our Programs
The Chemistry Major at UIS prepares students for direct entry into chemical professions or for further studies in graduate or professional programs. The UIS Chemistry Program is accredited by the American Chemical Society.
The Biochemistry Major from the Chemistry Department prepares students for professional work in biochemistry as well as graduate or professional programs. The Biochemistry curriculum is designed to prepare students for the biomedical sciences and/or health professions through a strong background in chemistry and its application to biological systems.
Opportunities at UIS
Springfield is the hub of the Mid-Illinois Medical District and area hospitals serve over 2-million people every year. UIS has a strong commitment to serve that health industry, providing graduates preparation to assume practitioner, technical, and support positions. Besides the hiring opportunities, UIS students in biochemistry are well positioned to secure internships while earning their degrees.
Undergraduate Research
Because of our emphasis on experiential learning, all biochemistry majors are required to complete three hours of capstone research but are encouraged to seek out additional opportunities to conduct research with faculty. It is UIS’ position that the research requirement provides a higher degree of academic rigor than additional upper-division requirements and electives.
Our Students
University of Illinois Springfield Biochemistry major Hailey Hollinshead was honored with the Student Laureate Award from the Lincoln Academy of Illinois
Our Faculty
Layne Morsch recieved the 2019 University Pearson Faculty Award for Outstanding Teaching. Our outstanding faculty are leaders in the field. Recent publications include interdisciplinary work and focus on collaborative, online learning.