Building Competencies

A B.S. Biochemist who earned his or her degree from UIS will be characterized as being able to:

3D model of a molecule
  • Integrate chemical knowledge with biological knowledge
  • Be proficient in appropriate laboratory skills
  • Communicate scientific information
  • Apply the scientific process
  • Participate in the biochemistry profession

Undergraduate Research

Because of our emphasis on experi-ential learning, all biochemistry majors are required to complete three hours of capstone research but are encouraged to seek out additional opportunities to conduct research with faculty. It is UIS’ position that the research requirement provides a higher degree of academic rigor than additional upper-division requirements and electives.


Springfield is the hub of the Mid-Illinois Medical District and area hospitals serve over 2-million people every year. UIS has a strong commitment to serve that health industry, providing graduates preparation to assume practitioner, techni-cal, and support positions. Besides the hiring opportunities, UIS students in biochemistry are well positioned to secure internships while earning their degrees.

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