College Faculty

Legal Studies
Office: PAC 340
School of Communication and Media
Office: UHB 3023
Interim Dean CHST, Associate Prof.
College of Health, Science, and Technology Administration, School of Public Management and Policy
Office: HSB 303
School of Public Management and Policy
Office: PAC 416
Assistant Prof.
School of Politics and International Affairs
Office: One University Plaza
Professor, IGPA Collaborative Scholar
School of Public Management and Policy, IGPA - Core Central Activities
Office: PAC 476
Professor, DPI Affiliate
School of Politics and International Affairs, Discovery Partners Institute
Office: PAC 356
School of Communication and Media
Office: UHB 3013
School of Communication and Media
Office: 1 University Plaza Dr
Assistant Prof.
Legal Studies
Office: One University Plaza MS PAC 338
Interim Dean, Associate Prof.
School of Public Management and Policy
Office: MS PAC 420
Assistant Prof.
School of Public Management and Policy
Office: One University Plaza
Associate Professor Emerita
Political Science
Office: PAC 350
Associate Prof., IGPA Collaborative Scholar
School of Public Management and Policy, IGPA - Core Central Activities
Office: PAC 484
Assistant Prof.
School of Politics and International Affairs
Office: MS PAC 358
School of Politics and International Affairs
Office: PAC 362
School of Communication and Media
Office: One University Plaza
Associate Prof.
School of Communication and Media
Office: UHB 3022
Assistant Prof.
Legal Studies
Office: PAC 336
Associate Prof.
School of Public Management and Policy
Office: One University Plaza, PAC 318
Associate Prof.
School of Communication and Media
Office: UHB 3010
Associate Prof.
School of Public Management and Policy
Office: PAC 426
Interim Vice Chancellor Finance and Administration, Distinguished Prof., DPI Affiliate
Office of Finance & Administration, School of Public Management and Policy, Discovery Partners Institute
Office: BSB 57
School of Politics and International Affairs
Office: PAC 364
School of Communication and Media
Office: UHB 3020
School of Politics and International Affairs
Office: PAC 360
Assistant Prof.
School of Communication and Media
Office: UHB 3017
Assistant Prof.
Legal Studies
Office: PAC 334
Associate Prof.
School of Public Management and Policy
Office: PAC 418
Professor, Scme Director
School of Communication and Media, School of Commerce and Media
Office: UHB 3016
Case Intake and Staff Attorney, Adjunct Instructor
Illinois Innocence Project, Legal Studies
Office: One University Plaza
Assistant Prof.
School of Politics and International Affairs
Office: MS PAC 352
Assistant Prof.
School of Public Management and Policy
Office: One University Plaza
Interim Associate Dean CPAE, Associate Prof.
School of Communication and Media, School of Commerce and Media
Office: PAC 428
Associate Prof.
School of Politics and International Affairs
Office: PAC 482
Associate Prof., SPIA Director
School of Politics and International Affairs, School of Politics and International Affrs
Office: PAC 370
Associate Prof., SPMP Director
School of Public Management and Policy
Office: PAC414
Director Experiential Learning, Adjunct Instructor
Alliance for Experiential Problem-Based Learning, School of Public Management and Policy
Office: PAC 413
Assistant Prof.
School of Public Management and Policy
Office: One University Plaza

Adjunct Faculty

Adjunct Instructor
School of Public Management and Policy
Office: One University Plaza
Adjunct Instructor
School of Politics and International Affairs
Office: PAC 566B
Adjunct Instructor
School of Public Management and Policy
Office: PAC 420
Adjunct Instructor
School of Communication and Media
Office: UHB 3010
Adjunct Instructor
School of Public Management and Policy
Office: 1 University Plaza
Adjunct Prof. Emerita
School of Public Management and Policy
Office: 1 University Plaza
Adjunct Instructor
School of Communication and Media
Office: One University Plaza
Adjunct Instructor
Legal Studies
Office: One University Plaza MS PAC 430
Adjunct Instructor
School of Communication and Media
Office: One Unversity Plaza
Adjunct Instructor
School of Public Management and Policy
Office: PAC 420 Dept Office, Public Administration
Adjunct Instructor
School of Public Management and Policy
Office: One University Plaza
Adjunct Instructor
School of Public Management and Policy
Office: One University Plaza MS PAC 430
Adjunct Instructor
School of Public Management and Policy
Office: 1 University Plaza
Adjunct Instructor
Legal Studies
Office: One University Plaza
Adjunct Instructor
School of Public Management and Policy
Office: One University Plaza
Adjunct Instructor
School of Communication and Media
Office: One University Plaza
Adjunct Prof., Adjunct Instructor
Legal Studies
Office: 1 University Plaza MS PAC 430 Springfield, IL 62703