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UIS announces Fall Semester 2017 Dean’s List
Feb 05, 2018
The University of Illinois Springfield has released the Dean’s List for Fall Semester 2017. A total of 570 students were selected; 88 are students in the College of Business and Management, 50 are students in the College of Education and Human Services, 349 are enrolled in programs in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, 65 are enrolled in programs in the College of Public Affairs and Administration, and 18 are non-degree seeking or undecided. |
Illinois Innocence Project client spent 22 years in prison acquitted after new trial in DuPage Co. arson murder case
Feb 21, 2018
A DuPage County judge found William (Bill) Amor not guilty of arson murder today. Amor, a client of the Illinois Innocence Project at the University of Illinois Springfield, served 22 years in prison for a crime he did not commit. |
University of Illinois Springfield cuts ribbon on new $21.75 million Student Union Building
Jan 14, 2018
The University of Illinois Springfield officially opened the new $21.75 million Student Union Building during a ribbon cutting ceremony on Sunday, January 14, 2018. The first-ever student union will serve as a social hub for student life and foster a greater sense of community on the growing campus. UIS Chancellor Susan Koch was joined by U of I President Timothy Killeen, Springfield Mayor Jim Langfelder and student leaders in cutting the ribbon. |
As part of the national MLK Jr. Day of Service, UIS students volunteer at nine locations
Jan 15, 2018
More than 100 students from the University of Illinois Springfield spent their day learning and volunteering in the community as part of the national Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Service on January 15, 2018. Students started their day on campus with breakfast and a simulation experience, and then participated in the Springfield NAACP Unity March and a community town hall at Pleasant Grove Baptist Church. |
UIS honors alums Kathy Best and Mary Mitchell Beaumont for achievement and service
Feb 23, 2018
The University of Illinois Springfield honored the significant contributions of Kathy Best and Mary Mitchell Beaumont during the university’s annual Alumni Gala on Friday, February 23, 2018, at the UIS Student Union. The 2017 Alumni Achievement Award for outstanding success and national or international distinction in one’s business, profession or life’s work was presented to Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Kathy Best, who earned a master’s degree in public affairs reporting in 1990. |